Firstly, to say we are in a better state now as a club is jaw droppingly, coffee all over the laptop spitting, side splitting and incorrect statement I have ever witnessed in all my years on these boards.
In what way are we better off? as pointed out to you, Bellfield gone - new training ground rented. Not able to go to the banks as they won't touch the club with a barge pole. Record debts, season tickets mortgaged, poor sponsorship deals etc etc etc.
On top of that the lies, lies and lies to try and get the club to move to Kirkby.
The only actual improvement is the performance of the team who Moyes has managed to keep consistently in the top half of the league.
In my mind, KEIOC are the greatest Evertonians out there, they called it right from the off and showed the board up for what they are. I wonder if you were against them as well by any chance?