Kenwright is still the chairman, by defintion he and his board run the club. He is involved in all major negotiations and decisions. No-one within the club says differently. The majority shareholder is essentially an absent landlord who thought he could step in, clear all the massive debts he inherited and leave the existing regime in place for continuity.... it was part of the deal. He probably fell for the same luvie Billy Bull as so many others. Thought he could give them the readies, sit back on his yacht and collect the spoils. Losing sight of that and the previous decades debacles is the reason BK has lasted so long.... nothing is ever his fault.... not even his contribution/complicity in the current crisis. Lance one boil at a time! If the board is a cardboard cut out as you claim... its removal will have even less damaging effect than the sqr root off FA, but the symbolic effect might be just as cathartic as the removal of Benitez last year, reuniting the fanbase and allowing this club to breath far easier for that battle ahead! Once and for all removing the parasitic jonah of jonahs and king of liars and empty trophy cabinets.