Nor should they after this month’s antics, they should all show some damn decency and fold the board until someone comes in who has a clue how to run a football clubThey won't be seen in Liverpool again
That's in the Summer mate, standards, we must maintain those standards...Anyone know if Everton are open today? Judging by the deafening silence you would think they have gone into receivership.
And err Carlin…please…he said he doesn’t mind the handlebars, but go easy over the bumps.Never thought I'd see the day when a premier league club was deliberately relegated to the Championship by it's own board and owner. But that's what happened today, it's just a matter of going through the motions until it is confirmed.
The ultimate credit for this must go to BK for managing to flog the club he says he loves to the most unsuitable owner possible. Cheers Bill, now get out and take your cronies with you.