A date?
Please, just destroy him
He honestly deserves it
I was a fool for thinking otherwise
A date?
Please, just destroy him
He honestly deserves it
I was a fool for thinking otherwise
I asked for the thread to be locked. simple.
go back to the wrestling thread.Why do you want it locked if you're okay with people making fun of you?
Make your mind up
I mean this in the kindest possible way mate but have you considered a bit of a break from the forum, I don't think it's doing you any good at the moment.
I've been in a similar position where you just can't give it up but it does you no good when you get to the stage you appear to be at to focus on something other than the internet as it starts playing a bigger part in your life than it should, as daft as that sounds.
I see your embarrassing yourself on the twitter …. really ???Bungs?
its there for public consumption mushMy twitter has no place on this forum Frank.
The kind and considered bungle always throws me off my game.
go back to the wrestling thread.
trying to be all edgy doesn't suit you
I was trying a bit of empathy to smooth things over having spoken privately at length with Frank, it appears that isn't going to work so I think it's best I just let him continue to destroy himself as he won't listen.
Hes lashing out and everyone and everything, its a classic case.
All joking apart I really do thing he should be removed for his own safety at this point.