Surprised it weren't beckham the dunce.
Symbolises everything wrong about the Olympics (And the pathetic 'team geebee' - should be 'UK Olympic contingent' - not some poncey 'cool brittania' handle ffs) for me.
A professional bore, shoed in, but able to fund his own place through his own wealth (Tennis is cack and I don't recall hearing the ancient greeks playing anything resembling it anyway) and grasping all the attention from some kid/man/woman who's trained just as hard for the actual love of the game and has had to overcome far bigger obstacles to obtain the favour of some doddering arl gets in their blazers & ties who don't know their arses from MY elbow, nevermind their own.
I hope he gets tonked first match; poncey po-faced two-hat with that his stupid mid-atlantic twang.
Ponces like that can shove it AFAIC.