Plazzie - plastic Scouser ie fake: usually in reference to folk from the Wirral, who used to have L postcodes until they were forsaken for CH (Cheshire). Ridiculous decision to shun greatness.Re: Wools v. Plazzies thread. Could someone help me understand Plazzies. Hipsters?
Wool - Woollyback ie. someone from outside the accepted boundaries of Scouseland. From the old dock slang where non-local workers worked on docks handling wool and stuff (carrying wares on their backs), taking jobs from local workers in the process. The saying "sling your hook" also came from this, in reference to the hooks they brought with them to snag the sacks of wool. "sling your hook you Woollyback" = "please leave the locale poste haste kind foreigner" c.1840's.
@chicoazul, I believe the above to be accurate and correct.