The GOT Dictionary and Colourful Words Appendix

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I reckon the 2016 version looks something like this:

Ace: Boss.

Arlarse: Bang on lid. A subscriber to cruel or underhand ways. A guerilla footsoldier of Snide Jungle.

Azul: Megahead, Mr Easter Island and more. Chief sh1tstirrer of these forums.

Bait (Baiting, to bait): The dropping of well executed grammar warfare with the intent on having onecreate thepopcorn for general forum amusement.

BAN HIM D/D: Quieten or suspend the aforementioned poster please, Danny or Dylan.

Bad meff: One who will without any duress, accept fruit based toppings as being acceptable on pizza.

A long time, ages. Might not actually be all that long but might seem it, or for exaggeration purposes.

See Belter.

A person native to Belgium/Dutch Toffee.

See Blert.

Blag: See Jarg.

Bleach: A recipe originated from Sharpy. When hard liquor just aint enough. Usually in reference to worrying news or an overly zany post. Also common during the transfer windows.

Boss: Ace.

Blert: See Melt.

Cat: You, a poster.

Catalan Clown: referring to Mr Bob Martinez, a once sarcastic rip played out in horrifying fashion.

Cheese on Toast: The NEA option, often seen in polls. If you're undecided, you're cheese on toast. Everyone loves cheese on toast.

CLIQUE, CLIQUE!: When two cats (or more) agree on a point that is contrary to that of a newer or lesser posting cat. The insinuating of aBad Titface Posse.Something something whatsapp...

Cockwomble: A true magnus opus of rips. Rarely bested

Corner: the act of having game.

Damo: The multibanned poster, usually accompanied by the following; wiki, multicoloured text, and long winded paragraphs. The most ignored poster on GOT.

Defo: Definitely.

Divvy: One who is a tad silly, either intentionally or like booking flights to Turkey when you draw Benfica in the cup.

Do one: Impolitely, go away. Always a good closer is "now do one" if you have pulled another cats pants down.See Pipe down

FFS: abbreviatedA statement of frustration.

Game: You. Got any popcorn? Let's see you then.

Gash: See Tosh.

Used in match threads to denote an uninspiring performance, thus far.

get to fuk lad: Disagreeing strongly in a swear filter friendly way. Only used by the poster thebluefox.

Grock: A big unit, usually with accompanying aggression. A Moat. Bolton's defence. Can also refer to a rugby shouldered lady, with a prop face.

Gulag: Sent down to serve time by a well placed Ban Hammer. Work of the mods.

Horror: See Monster.

I have black/gay/Muslim friends: The Disclaimer. Usually to prevent other cats from pointing out your transparent bigotry. The Ghost rager.

ITK: holder of Everton info, sometimes questionable. One wrong answer and it's jackals at the family BBQ. Creator of much angst

Jarg: Fake, and noticeable. Four stripe adidas, Riquelme to Everton off tribal football.

Trousers, pants.

KenWRONG: A less than agreeable bit of business dealing from Mr W Kenwright, Everton Chairman.The high priest of Kenwrong: the davek cat.

A cat who has been turned into kitt due to either his high level of tosh, or by a pack of snides. Noted by their red dots glowing along their avatar bumper.

Koff: A way of swearing that beats the swear filter. Created by nevthebest. See also:get to fuk lad.

Lad: An L4 lid. A showing of ones scouseness. To display extreme local anger when participating in aMeltoff.

Lets BUM!: Agreed.

Lid: Esteemed fellowcat.

Like: A word used locally and thrown into most posts, has to be pronounced like you're hocking a massive greeny.

Lisbon (THE): A real tourist trap.

Little coloured boxes: Reputation. The baiting pool. The clique causer.

Melt: See Weapon.

Meltoff: A cat fight, the coming together of two bad nerds. The arena. The joust. Can be started by a well aimedtitgrenade.

The transfer window. ThePopcorn Festival. The Full of Moon ofKenWRONG. The viral provider ofMeltfrenzyitis.

Mods?: Flagging an abusive or poor taste post publicly and without pressing the Report button. Usually ignored by the mods.

Monster: A polite acknowledgement of a sound rip.

Nails: Tough, hard. Van Den Hauwe.

NEA: Not Even Arsed

Pastie: A local dish of ace content. Supplied in main by Sayers & Greggs. Greggs always for chicken.

Plazzie: Faux scouser. The type that's from Liverpool when on holiday, accent and all.

Pleb: See Melt, but with a trampy twist. He who weareth Hi-tec instead of Adidas. "Where did the extra stripe on your jarg Adidas come from mate?".

ping*: The acknowledgement of the imminent onset of popcorn. The Microwave. Also known as nom nom nom and munches*.

Pipe down: To shush.

POP?: Acronymed way of asking if acat is ablert or not regarding their pizza toppings. The million lira question.

Popcorn: Electronic consumable when a spectator of ameltoff. A by product ofbaiting.

Pyar: Pure.

Queg: See Weapon. Can be used to indicate a revealed feminine side of a poster, which however is lauded on GOT.

Sawdust: The standard solution for all problems requiring help on the forum. Whether broken items, a missing long lost relative or simple relationship problems; you'll find sawdust fixes all.

Sauce?: Liar, possibly.

Scenes: Used to describe a wonderful/chaotic event on the forum itself. See also:popcorn.

Shabs: A once popcorn creating cat, latterly imitated by others to cause a meltoff. See also:[Poor language removed] off Azul. If used by lcab then it's definition is excrement.

Snide: A most untrustworthy one, he of the order of St Snide.

Sniderman: The second coming of The Snide. Causes chaos through a finely spun neg. The People's Popcorn Champion. A.K.A Snidey

Ted: See Blert. Severity of insult indicated by the quantity of the word bad as a prefix.Extracted from Profile Message: Lad, you're one bad, bad ted. Carry on and we'll meet up so I can knock you out. Tit."

Everton: FC Everton. A nickname of much disdain

The sh*te: FC Liverpool.

The Snide: Legendary, dark shadowed character who existed only to unleash the curse of a thousand reds on unsuspecting posters. The chief instigator of 'The Great Snide Off of 08'. Quelled by Danny.

A explosive device used to counter insurgents.Extracted from PM: "Did you see that? He was acting all that then I threw a titgrenade and there was shrapnel all over the show. He's fuming. Super stuff".

Tool: See Beaut.

Tosh: Content of absolute ****e. An unlikely story. Complete and utter gash.

Trabs: Trainees, trainers, sneakers, runners. Ideally Adidas Originals to bePartisan.

Prussian for 'over'. A fine word introduced from the school of lcab.

To bring forth the metal detector and dig up posts of the past. Haunting...

Weapon: A poster of absolute tosh.

See Belter.

Celebrates in a Mick Channon manner. Can denote use of genitalia to enhance degree of happiness.

A cat not in possession of an L postcode.

WUM: Wind Up Merchant. Creator of popcorn. Often sent to Gulag

Yer mar: Your mother. Usually indicating she is of the mucky type. A Mrs Goodtotheboys. She possesses a foof like fresh roadkill.

Yewtree: A morally questionable gentleman, referring to the infamous Operation Yewtree. "why's he asking how old you are lad? Careful there he's defo a bit yewtree".

You on the glue mate/lad/lid?: Sarcastically accuse a poster of having inhaled glue due to the toshness of their previous post.

Used a lot when I was a kid as an alternative name for a pigeon. And "yonker" to describe a young mickey.
Drew mystifying glances when I used these terms to a scouse girl who moved over to Hull, saying she'd never heard of the words.
Have these words fallen foul of time back on Merseyside?

Used a lot when I was a kid as an alternative name for a pigeon. And "yonker" to describe a young mickey.
Drew mystifying glances when I used these terms to a scouse girl who moved over to Hull, saying she'd never heard of the words.
Have these words fallen foul of time back on Merseyside?
I'll be honest, I'm born and bred in north Liverpool and this was a new one on me.
Used a lot when I was a kid as an alternative name for a pigeon. And "yonker" to describe a young mickey.
Drew mystifying glances when I used these terms to a scouse girl who moved over to Hull, saying she'd never heard of the words.
Have these words fallen foul of time back on Merseyside?
have heard taking the mickey. That's it though.

I reckon the 2016 version looks something like this:

Ace: Boss.

Arlarse: Bang on lid. A subscriber to cruel or underhand ways. A guerilla footsoldier of Snide Jungle.

Azul: Megahead, Mr Easter Island and more. Chief sh1tstirrer of these forums.

Bait (Baiting, to bait): The dropping of well executed grammar warfare with the intent on having onecreate thepopcorn for general forum amusement.

BAN HIM D/D: Quieten or suspend the aforementioned poster please, Danny or Dylan.

Bad meff: One who will without any duress, accept fruit based toppings as being acceptable on pizza.

A long time, ages. Might not actually be all that long but might seem it, or for exaggeration purposes.

See Belter.

A person native to Belgium/Dutch Toffee.

See Blert.

Blag: See Jarg.

Bleach: A recipe originated from Sharpy. When hard liquor just aint enough. Usually in reference to worrying news or an overly zany post. Also common during the transfer windows.

Boss: Ace.

Blert: See Melt.

Cat: You, a poster.

Catalan Clown: referring to Mr Bob Martinez, a once sarcastic rip played out in horrifying fashion.

Cheese on Toast: The NEA option, often seen in polls. If you're undecided, you're cheese on toast. Everyone loves cheese on toast.

CLIQUE, CLIQUE!: When two cats (or more) agree on a point that is contrary to that of a newer or lesser posting cat. The insinuating of aBad Titface Posse.Something something whatsapp...

Cockwomble: A true magnus opus of rips. Rarely bested

Corner: the act of having game.

Damo: The multibanned poster, usually accompanied by the following; wiki, multicoloured text, and long winded paragraphs. The most ignored poster on GOT.

Defo: Definitely.

Divvy: One who is a tad silly, either intentionally or like booking flights to Turkey when you draw Benfica in the cup.

Do one: Impolitely, go away. Always a good closer is "now do one" if you have pulled another cats pants down.See Pipe down

FFS: abbreviatedA statement of frustration.

Game: You. Got any popcorn? Let's see you then.

Gash: See Tosh.

Used in match threads to denote an uninspiring performance, thus far.

get to fuk lad: Disagreeing strongly in a swear filter friendly way. Only used by the poster thebluefox.

Grock: A big unit, usually with accompanying aggression. A Moat. Bolton's defence. Can also refer to a rugby shouldered lady, with a prop face.

Gulag: Sent down to serve time by a well placed Ban Hammer. Work of the mods.

Horror: See Monster.

I have black/gay/Muslim friends: The Disclaimer. Usually to prevent other cats from pointing out your transparent bigotry. The Ghost rager.

ITK: holder of Everton info, sometimes questionable. One wrong answer and it's jackals at the family BBQ. Creator of much angst

Jarg: Fake, and noticeable. Four stripe adidas, Riquelme to Everton off tribal football.

Trousers, pants.

KenWRONG: A less than agreeable bit of business dealing from Mr W Kenwright, Everton Chairman.The high priest of Kenwrong: the davek cat.

A cat who has been turned into kitt due to either his high level of tosh, or by a pack of snides. Noted by their red dots glowing along their avatar bumper.

Koff: A way of swearing that beats the swear filter. Created by nevthebest. See also:get to fuk lad.

Lad: An L4 lid. A showing of ones scouseness. To display extreme local anger when participating in aMeltoff.

Lets BUM!: Agreed.

Lid: Esteemed fellowcat.

Like: A word used locally and thrown into most posts, has to be pronounced like you're hocking a massive greeny.

Lisbon (THE): A real tourist trap.

Little coloured boxes: Reputation. The baiting pool. The clique causer.

Melt: See Weapon.

Meltoff: A cat fight, the coming together of two bad nerds. The arena. The joust. Can be started by a well aimedtitgrenade.

The transfer window. ThePopcorn Festival. The Full of Moon ofKenWRONG. The viral provider ofMeltfrenzyitis.

Mods?: Flagging an abusive or poor taste post publicly and without pressing the Report button. Usually ignored by the mods.

Monster: A polite acknowledgement of a sound rip.

Nails: Tough, hard. Van Den Hauwe.

NEA: Not Even Arsed

Pastie: A local dish of ace content. Supplied in main by Sayers & Greggs. Greggs always for chicken.

Plazzie: Faux scouser. The type that's from Liverpool when on holiday, accent and all.

Pleb: See Melt, but with a trampy twist. He who weareth Hi-tec instead of Adidas. "Where did the extra stripe on your jarg Adidas come from mate?".

ping*: The acknowledgement of the imminent onset of popcorn. The Microwave. Also known as nom nom nom and munches*.

Pipe down: To shush.

POP?: Acronymed way of asking if acat is ablert or not regarding their pizza toppings. The million lira question.

Popcorn: Electronic consumable when a spectator of ameltoff. A by product ofbaiting.

Pyar: Pure.

Queg: See Weapon. Can be used to indicate a revealed feminine side of a poster, which however is lauded on GOT.

Sawdust: The standard solution for all problems requiring help on the forum. Whether broken items, a missing long lost relative or simple relationship problems; you'll find sawdust fixes all.

Sauce?: Liar, possibly.

Scenes: Used to describe a wonderful/chaotic event on the forum itself. See also:popcorn.

Shabs: A once popcorn creating cat, latterly imitated by others to cause a meltoff. See also:[Poor language removed] off Azul. If used by lcab then it's definition is excrement.

Snide: A most untrustworthy one, he of the order of St Snide.

Sniderman: The second coming of The Snide. Causes chaos through a finely spun neg. The People's Popcorn Champion. A.K.A Snidey

Ted: See Blert. Severity of insult indicated by the quantity of the word bad as a prefix.Extracted from Profile Message: Lad, you're one bad, bad ted. Carry on and we'll meet up so I can knock you out. Tit."

Everton: FC Everton. A nickname of much disdain

The sh*te: FC Liverpool.

The Snide: Legendary, dark shadowed character who existed only to unleash the curse of a thousand reds on unsuspecting posters. The chief instigator of 'The Great Snide Off of 08'. Quelled by Danny.

A explosive device used to counter insurgents.Extracted from PM: "Did you see that? He was acting all that then I threw a titgrenade and there was shrapnel all over the show. He's fuming. Super stuff".

Tool: See Beaut.

Tosh: Content of absolute ****e. An unlikely story. Complete and utter gash.

Trabs: Trainees, trainers, sneakers, runners. Ideally Adidas Originals to bePartisan.

Prussian for 'over'. A fine word introduced from the school of lcab.

To bring forth the metal detector and dig up posts of the past. Haunting...

Weapon: A poster of absolute tosh.

See Belter.

Celebrates in a Mick Channon manner. Can denote use of genitalia to enhance degree of happiness.

A cat not in possession of an L postcode.

WUM: Wind Up Merchant. Creator of popcorn. Often sent to Gulag

Yer mar: Your mother. Usually indicating she is of the mucky type. A Mrs Goodtotheboys. She possesses a foof like fresh roadkill.

Yewtree: A morally questionable gentleman, referring to the infamous Operation Yewtree. "why's he asking how old you are lad? Careful there he's defo a bit yewtree".

You on the glue mate/lad/lid?: Sarcastically accuse a poster of having inhaled glue due to the toshness of their previous post.

Wummer: He (or she) who WUMS.

as in; Ignore him he's just wumming you.

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