Say NO to Ginger Managers
I reckon the 2016 version looks something like this:
Ace: Boss.
Arlarse: Bang on lid. A subscriber to cruel or underhand ways. A guerilla footsoldier of Snide Jungle.
Azul: Megahead, Mr Easter Island and more. Chief sh1tstirrer of these forums.
Bait (Baiting, to bait): The dropping of well executed grammar warfare with the intent on having onecreate thepopcorn for general forum amusement.
BAN HIM D/D: Quieten or suspend the aforementioned poster please, Danny or Dylan.
Bad meff: One who will without any duress, accept fruit based toppings as being acceptable on pizza.
Beards: A long time, ages. Might not actually be all that long but might seem it, or for exaggeration purposes.
Beaut: See Belter.
Belg: A person native to Belgium/Dutch Toffee.
Belter: See Blert.
Blag: See Jarg.
Bleach: A recipe originated from Sharpy. When hard liquor just aint enough. Usually in reference to worrying news or an overly zany post. Also common during the transfer windows.
Boss: Ace.
Blert: See Melt.
Cat: You, a poster.
Catalan Clown: referring to Mr Bob Martinez, a once sarcastic rip played out in horrifying fashion.
Cheese on Toast: The NEA option, often seen in polls. If you're undecided, you're cheese on toast. Everyone loves cheese on toast.
CLIQUE, CLIQUE!: When two cats (or more) agree on a point that is contrary to that of a newer or lesser posting cat. The insinuating of aBad Titface Posse.Something something whatsapp...
Cockwomble: A true magnus opus of rips. Rarely bested
Corner: the act of having game.
Damo: The multibanned poster, usually accompanied by the following; wiki, multicoloured text, and long winded paragraphs. The most ignored poster on GOT.
Defo: Definitely.
Divvy: One who is a tad silly, either intentionally or like booking flights to Turkey when you draw Benfica in the cup.
Do one: Impolitely, go away. Always a good closer is "now do one" if you have pulled another cats pants down.See Pipe down
FFS: abbreviatedA statement of frustration.
Game: You. Got any popcorn? Let's see you then.
Gash: See Tosh.
GET JO ON (FFS MOYLES): Used in match threads to denote an uninspiring performance, thus far.
get to fuk lad: Disagreeing strongly in a swear filter friendly way. Only used by the poster thebluefox.
Grock: A big unit, usually with accompanying aggression. A Moat. Bolton's defence. Can also refer to a rugby shouldered lady, with a prop face.
Gulag: Sent down to serve time by a well placed Ban Hammer. Work of the mods.
Horror: See Monster.
I have black/gay/Muslim friends: The Disclaimer. Usually to prevent other cats from pointing out your transparent bigotry. The Ghost rager.
ITK: holder of Everton info, sometimes questionable. One wrong answer and it's jackals at the family BBQ. Creator of much angst
Jarg: Fake, and noticeable. Four stripe adidas, Riquelme to Everton off tribal football.
Kecks: Trousers, pants.
KenWRONG: A less than agreeable bit of business dealing from Mr W Kenwright, Everton Chairman.The high priest of Kenwrong: the davek cat.
Knightrider: A cat who has been turned into kitt due to either his high level of tosh, or by a pack of snides. Noted by their red dots glowing along their avatar bumper.
Koff: A way of swearing that beats the swear filter. Created by nevthebest. See also:get to fuk lad.
Lad: An L4 lid. A showing of ones scouseness. To display extreme local anger when participating in aMeltoff.
Lets BUM!: Agreed.
Lid: Esteemed fellowcat.
Like: A word used locally and thrown into most posts, has to be pronounced like you're hocking a massive greeny.
Lisbon (THE): A real tourist trap.
Little coloured boxes: Reputation. The baiting pool. The clique causer.
Melt: See Weapon.
Meltoff: A cat fight, the coming together of two bad nerds. The arena. The joust. Can be started by a well aimedtitgrenade.
Meltseason: The transfer window. ThePopcorn Festival. The Full of Moon ofKenWRONG. The viral provider ofMeltfrenzyitis.
Mods?: Flagging an abusive or poor taste post publicly and without pressing the Report button. Usually ignored by the mods.
Monster: A polite acknowledgement of a sound rip.
Nails: Tough, hard. Van Den Hauwe.
NEA: Not Even Arsed
Pastie: A local dish of ace content. Supplied in main by Sayers & Greggs. Greggs always for chicken.
Plazzie: Faux scouser. The type that's from Liverpool when on holiday, accent and all.
Pleb: See Melt, but with a trampy twist. He who weareth Hi-tec instead of Adidas. "Where did the extra stripe on your jarg Adidas come from mate?".
ping*: The acknowledgement of the imminent onset of popcorn. The Microwave. Also known as nom nom nom and munches*.
Pipe down: To shush.
POP?: Acronymed way of asking if acat is ablert or not regarding their pizza toppings. The million lira question.
Popcorn: Electronic consumable when a spectator of ameltoff. A by product ofbaiting.
Pyar: Pure.
Queg: See Weapon. Can be used to indicate a revealed feminine side of a poster, which however is lauded on GOT.
Sawdust: The standard solution for all problems requiring help on the forum. Whether broken items, a missing long lost relative or simple relationship problems; you'll find sawdust fixes all.
Sauce?: Liar, possibly.
Scenes: Used to describe a wonderful/chaotic event on the forum itself. See also:popcorn.
Shabs: A once popcorn creating cat, latterly imitated by others to cause a meltoff. See also:[Poor language removed] off Azul. If used by lcab then it's definition is excrement.
Snide: A most untrustworthy one, he of the order of St Snide.
Sniderman: The second coming of The Snide. Causes chaos through a finely spun neg. The People's Popcorn Champion. A.K.A Snidey
Ted: See Blert. Severity of insult indicated by the quantity of the word bad as a prefix.Extracted from Profile Message: Lad, you're one bad, bad ted. Carry on and we'll meet up so I can knock you out. Tit."
Everton: FC Everton. A nickname of much disdain
The sh*te: FC Liverpool.
The Snide: Legendary, dark shadowed character who existed only to unleash the curse of a thousand reds on unsuspecting posters. The chief instigator of 'The Great Snide Off of 08'. Quelled by Danny.
Titgrenade: A explosive device used to counter insurgents.Extracted from PM: "Did you see that? He was acting all that then I threw a titgrenade and there was shrapnel all over the show. He's fuming. Super stuff".
Tool: See Beaut.
Tosh: Content of absolute ****e. An unlikely story. Complete and utter gash.
Trabs: Trainees, trainers, sneakers, runners. Ideally Adidas Originals to bePartisan.
Uber: Prussian for 'over'. A fine word introduced from the school of lcab.
Vault/Vaulted/Vaulting: To bring forth the metal detector and dig up posts of the past. Haunting...
Weapon: A poster of absolute tosh.
Whopper: See Belter.
windmills*: Celebrates in a Mick Channon manner. Can denote use of genitalia to enhance degree of happiness.
WOOL: A cat not in possession of an L postcode.
WUM: Wind Up Merchant. Creator of popcorn. Often sent to Gulag
Yer mar: Your mother. Usually indicating she is of the mucky type. A Mrs Goodtotheboys. She possesses a foof like fresh roadkill.
Yewtree: A morally questionable gentleman, referring to the infamous Operation Yewtree. "why's he asking how old you are lad? Careful there he's defo a bit yewtree".
You on the glue mate/lad/lid?: Sarcastically accuse a poster of having inhaled glue due to the toshness of their previous post.
Ace: Boss.
Arlarse: Bang on lid. A subscriber to cruel or underhand ways. A guerilla footsoldier of Snide Jungle.
Azul: Megahead, Mr Easter Island and more. Chief sh1tstirrer of these forums.
Bait (Baiting, to bait): The dropping of well executed grammar warfare with the intent on having onecreate thepopcorn for general forum amusement.
BAN HIM D/D: Quieten or suspend the aforementioned poster please, Danny or Dylan.
Bad meff: One who will without any duress, accept fruit based toppings as being acceptable on pizza.
Beards: A long time, ages. Might not actually be all that long but might seem it, or for exaggeration purposes.
Beaut: See Belter.
Belg: A person native to Belgium/Dutch Toffee.
Belter: See Blert.
Blag: See Jarg.
Bleach: A recipe originated from Sharpy. When hard liquor just aint enough. Usually in reference to worrying news or an overly zany post. Also common during the transfer windows.
Boss: Ace.
Blert: See Melt.
Cat: You, a poster.
Catalan Clown: referring to Mr Bob Martinez, a once sarcastic rip played out in horrifying fashion.
Cheese on Toast: The NEA option, often seen in polls. If you're undecided, you're cheese on toast. Everyone loves cheese on toast.
CLIQUE, CLIQUE!: When two cats (or more) agree on a point that is contrary to that of a newer or lesser posting cat. The insinuating of aBad Titface Posse.Something something whatsapp...
Cockwomble: A true magnus opus of rips. Rarely bested
Corner: the act of having game.
Damo: The multibanned poster, usually accompanied by the following; wiki, multicoloured text, and long winded paragraphs. The most ignored poster on GOT.
Defo: Definitely.
Divvy: One who is a tad silly, either intentionally or like booking flights to Turkey when you draw Benfica in the cup.
Do one: Impolitely, go away. Always a good closer is "now do one" if you have pulled another cats pants down.See Pipe down
FFS: abbreviatedA statement of frustration.
Game: You. Got any popcorn? Let's see you then.
Gash: See Tosh.
GET JO ON (FFS MOYLES): Used in match threads to denote an uninspiring performance, thus far.
get to fuk lad: Disagreeing strongly in a swear filter friendly way. Only used by the poster thebluefox.
Grock: A big unit, usually with accompanying aggression. A Moat. Bolton's defence. Can also refer to a rugby shouldered lady, with a prop face.
Gulag: Sent down to serve time by a well placed Ban Hammer. Work of the mods.
Horror: See Monster.
I have black/gay/Muslim friends: The Disclaimer. Usually to prevent other cats from pointing out your transparent bigotry. The Ghost rager.
ITK: holder of Everton info, sometimes questionable. One wrong answer and it's jackals at the family BBQ. Creator of much angst
Jarg: Fake, and noticeable. Four stripe adidas, Riquelme to Everton off tribal football.
Kecks: Trousers, pants.
KenWRONG: A less than agreeable bit of business dealing from Mr W Kenwright, Everton Chairman.The high priest of Kenwrong: the davek cat.
Knightrider: A cat who has been turned into kitt due to either his high level of tosh, or by a pack of snides. Noted by their red dots glowing along their avatar bumper.
Koff: A way of swearing that beats the swear filter. Created by nevthebest. See also:get to fuk lad.
Lad: An L4 lid. A showing of ones scouseness. To display extreme local anger when participating in aMeltoff.
Lets BUM!: Agreed.
Lid: Esteemed fellowcat.
Like: A word used locally and thrown into most posts, has to be pronounced like you're hocking a massive greeny.
Lisbon (THE): A real tourist trap.
Little coloured boxes: Reputation. The baiting pool. The clique causer.
Melt: See Weapon.
Meltoff: A cat fight, the coming together of two bad nerds. The arena. The joust. Can be started by a well aimedtitgrenade.
Meltseason: The transfer window. ThePopcorn Festival. The Full of Moon ofKenWRONG. The viral provider ofMeltfrenzyitis.
Mods?: Flagging an abusive or poor taste post publicly and without pressing the Report button. Usually ignored by the mods.
Monster: A polite acknowledgement of a sound rip.
Nails: Tough, hard. Van Den Hauwe.
NEA: Not Even Arsed
Pastie: A local dish of ace content. Supplied in main by Sayers & Greggs. Greggs always for chicken.
Plazzie: Faux scouser. The type that's from Liverpool when on holiday, accent and all.
Pleb: See Melt, but with a trampy twist. He who weareth Hi-tec instead of Adidas. "Where did the extra stripe on your jarg Adidas come from mate?".
ping*: The acknowledgement of the imminent onset of popcorn. The Microwave. Also known as nom nom nom and munches*.
Pipe down: To shush.
POP?: Acronymed way of asking if acat is ablert or not regarding their pizza toppings. The million lira question.
Popcorn: Electronic consumable when a spectator of ameltoff. A by product ofbaiting.
Pyar: Pure.
Queg: See Weapon. Can be used to indicate a revealed feminine side of a poster, which however is lauded on GOT.
Sawdust: The standard solution for all problems requiring help on the forum. Whether broken items, a missing long lost relative or simple relationship problems; you'll find sawdust fixes all.
Sauce?: Liar, possibly.
Scenes: Used to describe a wonderful/chaotic event on the forum itself. See also:popcorn.
Shabs: A once popcorn creating cat, latterly imitated by others to cause a meltoff. See also:[Poor language removed] off Azul. If used by lcab then it's definition is excrement.
Snide: A most untrustworthy one, he of the order of St Snide.
Sniderman: The second coming of The Snide. Causes chaos through a finely spun neg. The People's Popcorn Champion. A.K.A Snidey
Ted: See Blert. Severity of insult indicated by the quantity of the word bad as a prefix.Extracted from Profile Message: Lad, you're one bad, bad ted. Carry on and we'll meet up so I can knock you out. Tit."
Everton: FC Everton. A nickname of much disdain
The sh*te: FC Liverpool.
The Snide: Legendary, dark shadowed character who existed only to unleash the curse of a thousand reds on unsuspecting posters. The chief instigator of 'The Great Snide Off of 08'. Quelled by Danny.
Titgrenade: A explosive device used to counter insurgents.Extracted from PM: "Did you see that? He was acting all that then I threw a titgrenade and there was shrapnel all over the show. He's fuming. Super stuff".
Tool: See Beaut.
Tosh: Content of absolute ****e. An unlikely story. Complete and utter gash.
Trabs: Trainees, trainers, sneakers, runners. Ideally Adidas Originals to bePartisan.
Uber: Prussian for 'over'. A fine word introduced from the school of lcab.
Vault/Vaulted/Vaulting: To bring forth the metal detector and dig up posts of the past. Haunting...
Weapon: A poster of absolute tosh.
Whopper: See Belter.
windmills*: Celebrates in a Mick Channon manner. Can denote use of genitalia to enhance degree of happiness.
WOOL: A cat not in possession of an L postcode.
WUM: Wind Up Merchant. Creator of popcorn. Often sent to Gulag
Yer mar: Your mother. Usually indicating she is of the mucky type. A Mrs Goodtotheboys. She possesses a foof like fresh roadkill.
Yewtree: A morally questionable gentleman, referring to the infamous Operation Yewtree. "why's he asking how old you are lad? Careful there he's defo a bit yewtree".
You on the glue mate/lad/lid?: Sarcastically accuse a poster of having inhaled glue due to the toshness of their previous post.