Not a Nazi, just concerned where our tax is going.
Im sure i'll be accused of something by saying this but...
I think the "racist" accusations (ignoring this particular situation) at those who are patriotic (and non violent/abusive) about English/British 'culture' are extremely misguided.
As someone who enjoys experiencing different cultures and living in different countries I have experienced racism.
Also I can see certain benefits of making it very difficult for foreigners to enter certain countries.
For many years Japan did not take many refugees or asylum seekers. I believe this has changed over the past couple of years.
If you go to Japan you can marvel at their culture as they have kept their cultural identity.
I think its down to preference of whether you would prefer to live in a multicultural society or a traditional one.
As to the tax comment, if you again look at Japan or even Poland...those countries are doing well in improving things for their citizens.
Theres even a thread on this forum and its all over the media about how England is going downhill. People using food banks and struggling.
From a monetary point of view, if foreigners do continue to come to the UK illegally then receive free homes and money...
...who pays for it?