Lost count of the number of canings, slappings, ear tuggings and various other assaults I endured from 'teachers' back in the sixties. It was all in the pretence of instilling discipline, but in reality you knew when a teacher had had a bad night because they used to take it out on us kids in the most vicious manner.
It really was another age. Some teachers were just bullying thugs, although luckily I never encountered any paedophilia, but the thrashings were severe and routine. We had one Maths teacher who delighted in his torture of three of us in particular. For several weeks EVERY maths lesson would begin with "Jones, Connelly, Johnson, out here now!"
"That's before we do anything. Now sit down (if you can, ha ha) and if you step out of line you'll get it again, only harder you horrible little bast*rds"
Hated school, learned very little and left as soon as I could (several weeks before my 15th birthday)
It wasn't until my late 20s that I started 'Further Education' and realised that I actually enjoy learning. The years between age 11 and 15 were just a complete waste of time.
Happy days (not)