Rock salt is expensive plus the labour to put it down - council staff cut to the bone - Parks departments merged with now Street Clean skeleton staff in the winter temps in the summer when the grass is growing - in my day the parks staff would be doing what you indicate in your post .... LG cut backs & they always root prune - the offices are not as cut back as they should be .... sat in their ivory towers etc ...
Shocked to hear the other day That MPs also sit as paid councillors - worst party for doing this is LIB DEMS almost 50 % of MPs hold a council seat & the Labour Party MPs - if they on committees etc - their pay could be up to £35,000 + so how can they do 2 jobs at once ? Based in London too?
I worked in LG since leaving school, never heard it mentioned that fact - it must be like winning the lottery for them -
Labour were elected to stop MPs in most cases not having two jobs .....
I suggest you find out who your local councillor is in Woolton & ask why the paths are no clear as you pay enough council tax - plus find out if they hold a dual role ? Accountability has gone IMO it's just political greed in general from all parties once elected, or I'm all right Jack attitude ....
The old saying I got the bosses job - the working class can kiss my arsp springs to mind .....