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Barca v Atletico at 9pm
Southgate's Sucklings.England have got some very talented players coming through
Now thats a young talent
Can cough with all this "Kean needs another 3 years" rubbish - you either have it or you don't
Yeah quite surprised the English lad settled so quickly, in, erm, England.
Funny how brickies can go work in Qatar and not forget how to lay a brick
Or plumbers can go to Spain and forget what pipes are for
Heck maybe I might be unable to work a camera one step into Wales
Absolute guff excuse because he's moved from Italy - he's looked absolutely baked every game he's played.
Yeah mate no difference in the required skill level for brick layer and professional footballerFunny how brickies can go work in Qatar and not forget how to lay a brick
Or plumbers can go to Spain and forget what pipes are for
Heck maybe I might be unable to work a camera one step into Wales
Absolute guff excuse because he's moved from Italy - he's looked absolutely baked every game he's played.
Get rid before his value drops even further