Zouma we should have been well in for. Moting had been utterly dire for Schalke and they couldn't wait to get shut, see how he does going forward.
Ive just spent half hour on the blower to me dad.Not the happiest place tonight in here mate. It never is with any loss. Especially when we are battered.
Zouma we should have been well in for. Moting had been utterly dire for Schalke and they couldn't wait to get shut, see how he does going forward.
His bench warming statistics weren't good enough for the PE teacher
Ive just spent half hour on the blower to me dad.
I wish he posted on here.
Incredible fume.
Imagine him and Baby Jagielka Mike Keane next to each other. PHWOAR.
Unfortunately Ronko would rather play the overweight pie eating fake Welshman instead of club legend Phil Jags.
I understand where youre coming from mate. It does look weird with me being a stokie, but think this is one of the better football forums out there so I like to chat with fellow fans about football.I just find it dead weird, that's all.
If we are giving United a proper game next week with 20 mins left, the last thing I would think was, 'I must go onto a Stoke forum and talk about the game here.'
No offence intended at all btw. It's only my opinion.
My mate Phil will be back soon enough. Can't believe Koeman was going to him go last January.
Totally understand mate.Not the happiest place tonight in here mate. It never is with any loss. Especially when we are battered.
If Williams ain't dropped indefinitely and Jagielka restored to the back 4 then I'm enthusiastically joining team KOEMAN OUT.
Totally understand mate.
For all the doom and gloom about us before the season started I have been well impressed. We're more solid at the back and have good options up top. We played decent against you boys and thought a draw would of been fair but that's football eh.Thought Stoke were more than decent there tonight FWIW. Carried more threat than I expect from a Stoke team and Butland is second only to De Gea I reckon.
Thank frig we beat you tho or we'd be in a right mess lol
Once AVB becomes free, I'm joining Team KO.
If you get AVB as manager be prepared to watch extremely boring football - albeit with a fair few 1-0 wins.