They currently have the 5th highest points total. There's no other reliable way of measuring it. I said 'currently' for a reason.
They clearly are the 5th best team like, that's why they're 5th.
You originally said:
I'd argue they're fifth because they have played more games than us. If we'd played 31 games as well I doubt they'd still be there.
But of course that's all subjective. All I'm saying is that measuring anything as grand a concept as being the 'best' requires excellent statistics, so I'd argue we have to wait until the end of the season. The current table does not suffice, when teams have games in hand. Points per game would be a better indicator than the current table though, that's my point.
can only beat whats in front of you.
Im bored of all this moyes bashing now tbh, its nearly a year since he decided to leave. Move on...
doesn't take into account teams left to play either. they probably will finish 5th at the end of the season, but that doesn't stop me believing they're not the 5th best team in the league, nor should it. they've been gifted plenty of points by refs early in the season. i can say they don't deserve to win a game like today all i want, but they won it fairly - that's fine.
but when they're gifted loads of points unfairly then that's not fine. not sure we've been gifted any points by wrong official calls tbh - just denied them.
Let's just wait and see hey?!
We're in europe next year.
Does anyone really think both Man U & Spurs will finish above us?
Win our games in hand and we're clear in 5th. But there's no real difference between 5th and 6th for us.
Actually it works out at around an extra 2m lad.
Which will disappear into the void like all the money we make does.