I'm fairly sure that's not his account in all honesty!
Looks like it is. Got personal pictures of him and everything seems legit, also he got almost 18 000 followers and only follows 16.I'm fairly sure that's not his account in all honesty!
Looks like it is. Got personal pictures of him and everything seems legit, also he got almost 18 000 followers and only follows 16.
Hahahahah I love this clip so much.
*orders 200 yarmolenko tops
Cheers, I needed that. I actually went on twitter for a second and came back hoping someone would mythbust this. I hate twitter.Andrey yarmolenko, "I have no Twitter
http://dynamo.kiev.ua/news/147744-andrej-yarmolenko-u-menya-net-tvittera 7/19/2013 13:17 Kyiv & laquo; Dinamo & raquo; Andriy Yarmolenko in & nbsp; comments dynamo.kiev.ua refuted that account & laquo; Yarmola_10 & raquo; in the & nbsp; the popular social network twitter.![]()
<a href='http://x.magnet.kiev.ua/www/delivery/ck.php?n=a9e4f680&amp;cb={random}' target='_blank'><img _mssrc='http://x.magnet.kiev.ua/www/deliver...amp;amp;n=a9e4f680&amp;ct0={clickurl_enc}' border='0' alt='' /></a>
Kyiv Dynamo Andriy Yarmolenko in comments dynamo.kiev.ua denied that the account "Yarmola_10" in the popular social network twitter belongs to him.
Andriy Yarmolenko. Photos-A. Popov![]()
"I don't have a Twitter account, and never has been," added Yarmolenko.