Got the barrier lined up looked ok on trailer. I'll watch it anyway to help learn SpanishWatched a couple Netflix series; To The Lake (Russian) and The Barrier (Spanish).
To The Lake I quite liked. Its a fairly generic deadly virus outbreak scenario but the focus is really on the struggle for a couple families against anarchy to get to safety while Russia falls apart.
The Barrier isn't that good but was interesting enough to watch to the end of season 1. Scenario is a very authoritarian future Spain, strict classism and unquestionable military rule. Story is about a family who move to Madrid and try to stay together. Needs a season 2 which hasn't been renewed by Netflix yet, else season 1 is not worth a watch.
Yeah there's very few of those kinda sitcoms I watch. But I've see all of them, better after the first few episodes when you're familiar with characters. Is Danny devito in first season? Got a feeling he isn't and it gets better when he isI think it's hilarious and is one of my favourite shows but it won't be for everyone. Danny DeVito is brilliant in it but so are the whole cast.
It's now had 14 seasons and the 15th has been greenlit. What is amazing about it is that the level has barely dropped in that time. Admittedly it is not as good as it used to be but I still think it's great which is very impressive after all that time.
Season 1 was good. Don't think I bothered with more than one or two episodes of season 2Fauda was a really easy watch, you could fly through the episodes with them only being 35 mins long.
Season 1 was good. Don't think I bothered with more than one or two episodes of season 2
DeVito joined at the beginning of season 2. Think it all just clicked so well. It’s rare to get a group of actors who all suit their characters so well. There isn’t a weak link among themYeah there's very few of those kinda sitcoms I watch. But I've see all of them, better after the first few episodes when you're familiar with characters. Is Danny devito in first season? Got a feeling he isn't and it gets better when he is
Used to love that and AngelStarted rewatching Buffy on Amazon. Cracking show
It was an awesome episode!The return of this guy at the end though
Just started watching this last night does look good.Queen's Gambit was exceptional. The final episode made me care about chess far more than I ever should have!
Queen's Gambit was exceptional. The final episode made me care about chess far more than I ever should have!
Just started watching this last night does look good.