Same. Season One with Jess Biel was great. Seasons Two & Three were pretty underwhelming.. though gun to my head I'd say I preferred Three to Two a little bit more. It's really only Bill Pullman that's keeping me watching, he's the best part of the show and it's been interesting to see how his character develops.Be interesting to see how it goes on. Thought the series seemed to lose its way with each series.
Same. Season One with Jess Biel was great. Seasons Two & Three were pretty underwhelming.. though gun to my head I'd say I preferred Three to Two a little bit more. It's really only Bill Pullman that's keeping me watching, he's the best part of the show and it's been interesting to see how his character develops.
You watch any of the non english language stuff? Quite a few that are decent.Maid on Netflix is good. Odd how Netflix hasn't had a good series in 5 years and now there are 3 or 4 at once.
Watching this for the first time. Has been a bit of a slog in parts and have stopped and started on it. Feels like it could be a bit shorter with some filler episodes. It’s a very good production thoughRevisited the 2003 re-boot of "Battlestar Galactica".
Forget the campy rip-off Star Wars '70s version - although the big kid in me always has a soft spot for it - the noughties version is just superior television. Brilliant Sci-fi thriller with superb production values, a strong cast and a hugely satisfying story arc. Some fantastic special effects and a topically paranoid "War on terror/enemy amongst us" emphasis.
Towering lead from the always great Eddie James Olmos as Commander Adama.
Plus Gauis Baltar - a terrifically weaselly, cowardly and manipulative performance from James Callis.
You watch any of the non english language stuff? Quite a few that are decent.
what's good on there? I've seen Dark and prob a few others. going to start the chestnut man soon (i think thats Nordic)
the algorithms annoy me on there so i give up looking very fast.
Just going back through what I've watched in no particular order - deadwind, the valhalla murders, undercover plus the movie Ferry (movie is a prequel to the show), blackspot, dogs of berlin, fauda, suburra blood on rome, marseille, caliphate.what's good on there? I've seen Dark and prob a few others. going to start the chestnut man soon (i think thats Nordic)
the algorithms annoy me on there so i give up looking very fast.
Stick with it, there are some weaker episodes but on the whole the storyline and chase/struggle/fight with the dreaded Cylons is brilliant. The paranoia of the hidden Cylon sleeper agents is boss, as is Baltar and his fractured, tormented mind. Intelligent use of CGI in the space battles and Terminator-style mechanical bad guys as well. Same writing team as Deep Space Nine so it has an overall arc and a "total" story which I really like, I hate it when shows get cancelled/trimmed by TV studios and leave stories rushed or just plain incomplete.Watching this for the first time. Has been a bit of a slog in parts and have stopped and started on it. Feels like it could be a bit shorter with some filler episodes. It’s a very good production though