Sporting Billy
Player Valuation: £1.5m
What’s it on?First episode of MASH on tomorrow, hopefully without the canned laughter.
What’s it on?First episode of MASH on tomorrow, hopefully without the canned laughter.
Some obscure channel called Great TV, Freeview channel 49, tomorrow night 20.30.What’s it on?
that was a hard watch. I can’t believe the creepy freak was so popular. He could look Anymore nonce’y if he tried.Watching the Jimmy Saville documentary on Netflix.
Crazy how this obviously weird (not eccentric) and odd-looking character became so popular. I just don’t get it. If you were going to draw a caricature of a nonce, it’d look like Saville - even before the truth came out about him.
It’s a Sin is so goodStarted watching its a sin. russell t Davies is a national treasure
It was weird, but it made sense.. Kind of.Now series of inside no9 arrived with little fanfare.
Episode 1.
Was either very clever and needed deciphering or like game of thrones, a poor ending.
My missus watches it! Its sooooooo bad.Whispering this quietly…
Can’t stop watching married at first sight Australian version. Season 8
What a tool that fella Bryce is. Absolute toad of a man.
Are you confusing The Office with Extras?Rewatched The Office UK last week and I have to say Ricky Gervais is superb as Brent.
Yes David is a imbecile a lot of the time, arrogant and narcissistic on occasions but what Gervais nails is the characters awkwardness and vulnerability . It’s really brought to the surface with Finch, his big gob mate who in reality isn’t really his mate, he’s just someone Finch uses to feel better about himself.
Brent is so desperate to fit in, be a cool guy and be everyone’s mr popular he loses his own personality and becomes petty, vain, frustrated, envious and acts fake around Finch to what he sees as being “one of the lads” and clearly is jealous of Neil as that is perhaps who he thinks he should be and makes a prat of himself trying to do so.
Little moments when he can’t finish a sentence , when he says “so don’t...” in a argument/disagreement. Or his agent taking a clear joke about lookalikes seriously by bleating “no you are no where near as famous”
“I know, I was’re supposed to big me up, sort of...” is Brent’s retort with full on awkwardness.
A superb performance.