Keep Bornstein and Clark on the bench; the only reason they should ever see a world cup pitch is with a ticket in hand.
Good game for Torres (I still like Edu too). Work rate and distribution from Torres and M. Bradley were outstanding in the second half.
Good work rate from Findley, but he needs to make earlier passes when he gets a yard on the defenders instead of dribbling out of bounds.
Aside from Bornstein, great subs today. Cherundelo proved he needs to be on the field.
I think Dempsey got it right in his after match comments: a pacy striker like Findley opens up lots of space for Dempsey and Donovan to pincer in from the wings. I think that is why Davies helped make the team so successful last summer. Also, if Jozy is going to play as a holding forward (like he did for Hull and like he did today), he has to have that pacy partner to give him either room to make a play, or an option to make a pass.
Good game for Torres (I still like Edu too). Work rate and distribution from Torres and M. Bradley were outstanding in the second half.
Good work rate from Findley, but he needs to make earlier passes when he gets a yard on the defenders instead of dribbling out of bounds.
Aside from Bornstein, great subs today. Cherundelo proved he needs to be on the field.
I think Dempsey got it right in his after match comments: a pacy striker like Findley opens up lots of space for Dempsey and Donovan to pincer in from the wings. I think that is why Davies helped make the team so successful last summer. Also, if Jozy is going to play as a holding forward (like he did for Hull and like he did today), he has to have that pacy partner to give him either room to make a play, or an option to make a pass.