I don’t know, the play is lethargic and Poch is saying it’s a mental thing. What I see is risk averse passing, nothing through the middle, safe (and toothless) outside. That’s tactical.
He also has his ideas and how he wants to play, and is shoe horning players into positions they are not comfortable with. That’s what I would expect from a club manager, where he proves that they players don’t fit his system and then goes out and buys ones that do.
Unfortunately that’s not possible in international soccer where the managers need to be tactically flexible. He’s either going to learn this, or continue to play Pulisic through the middle and go out in the group stages next year.
And yes there is a real lack of talent in key areas, striker and CB the most glaring. It makes me despondent watching a 37 year old Ream being legitimately one of the first names on the sheet. And Chris Richards is just a mistake waiting to happen (and often does).