I have no issues with what happened at all, even if you think it isn't 100% (obviously it isn't) there can be no doubt that it is more accurate than the naked eye.So you,re absolutely certain that they stopped the picture at the exact millisecond the ball moved? If not then it is again an inaccurate science at best and even last night there were arguments about whether the were indeed correct.
That's it for me it will kill certain moments of joy in the game. I think it will help clear up some mistakes. What concerns me is how slow it is and the process, the amount of subjective situations it will look at look at. Take the other night with the Derby goal even with numerous replays they couldn't make a decision on an offside, after two minutes, in that case it was obviously not clear and obvious. Also will refs be going to a screen like in the world cup? Because I felt refs went with the decision of the Var ref most of the time even after they'd looked at it because essentially most refs are cowards. They need to make the process clearer and faster because you could end up with the game stopping and starting every five minutes to check something..Cheer n go mad for a goal then remember there's VAR and go hang on let's wait a few minutes n wonder is it a goal or not!
Just leave football as it is
Cheer n go mad for a goal then remember theres VAR and go hang on lets wait a few minutes n wonder is it a goal or not!
Just leave football as it is
Let's be clear, VAR is being brought in because of the money involved in the game now. It has been decided that this, rather than enjoyment of the game and the spontaneity and immediate excitement generated by a goal, is what is imortant . For me the downsides are massive -- the loss of momentum, the hesitation in celebrating a goal, the numerous stops likely since refs will continually seek to cover their backsides and be asking for a look at VAR too often etc.
And of course, one other effect will be fewer goals being scored, because in the build up to many goals there will have been a contentious issue and in future more goals will be chalked off.
Sorry if this question has already been asked, but was it possible the ref could’ve overturned his decision for their 2nd goal if he’d have seen it afterwards on the big screen?
I know it’s irrelevant now, but I was just wondering if that’s against the rules...
So if he’d seen the incident again in the big screen and realised he’d made a mistake, he couldn’t have disallowed the goal anyway? Even before the game kicked off again