I find it mad how eager people are to write this lad and Patterson off. Just because some lad said Ferguson said something then we all believe it. Not like anyone ever lied on the internet before. We all know he's been poor in what he's played but what I find so bizarre is people are not only believing that he said that but it's that people think he isn't at that level? Of course he is, that's why we can buy him. If he were already at 22 a ready made Premier League left back then he wouldn't be joining us. He and Patterson are projects and investments that in a year or two could come great but that's all that should be expected of them. The only reason that both are supposedly meant to be first choice now is down to poor management of the club.
For god sake Baines and Coleman are quite possibly one of the best pair of full backs the club has ever had and one of the best pair that the league has seen. At 20 or 22 they both playing at a poor level comparative to how they ended up, Coleman especially. They absolutely need time to bed in especially Mykolenko, who's coming to a completely new setting, writing them off now is a joke. If he was coming in for 6 months as Digne's understudy and took over from next season on it'd be much better but now he's come in and expected to hit the ground running and replace our best player, that's a job that's almost impossible for some of the most experienced players never mind for kid like him.
As for Ferguson, if he did actually say this, which I highly doubt then it'd be nothing short of a disgrace and it would be a reason why he'll never be a manager. You can't just throw a player under the bus like that, especially a young player like that. Worse still that he himself played Kenny when Coleman was fit on the bench, when he's a legitimate struggle for a Championship player. Also it'd show him as a poor judge in general because legitimately everyone in this squad has looked terrible at one point or another this season under Benitez, to place the blame at a young player's feet as being not good enough is laughable when senior players have been just as bad, over a more prolonged period of time.