I have something to report...
The scene, 30000+ Evertonians all sat at Goodison, a lull in the match.
The distant rumblings of a light aircraft are heard.
"Oh FFS not again." Says Dai, 37, from Rhyl sat pondering how early he should leave his seat in the Park End.
Suddenly it dawns on the fans that this is no Anti/Pro board message, this is a message for hope, for peace, for cheese on toast.
A few distant claps are heard from the Ultras in the LG, soon the applause spreads around like a wildfire, even the away fans are joined in solidarity for the most delicious, dairy and doughey snack.
Suddenly, out of nowhere a man dressed as a slice of cheese on toast parachutes in to GP, lands on Tim Howard thus forcing him off with a season long injury.
All this can be achieved* if you just take a look here and generously donate what little you can.
I have.
Will you?
*All except a parachuting cheese on toast.