I had this conversation with my Son this evening after a couple of phone in's driving, the fact you have to face is that modern football is about results and the riches of the PFL and the implications of losing it drives all decisions. Last season was a wake-up call for Moshri and the Russian and the implications of losing everything....All managerial appointments aside from Alydace and initially Frank were about saving the club from drop. As Russian sanctions have effectively turned off the investment tap, we are faced with challenges in player recruitment, and this Summer has clearly demonstrated that the signings we have made, often competing against several other clubs have happened because Frank is the manager and his vision and plan has convinced them to sign...
Everton has bet on and lost playing managerial roulette, more than once, no manager is perfect and no team is perfect and yes we can look at someone like Potter who for me is the best coach in the Premiership and think what if, but Everton is not Brighton and our club, unfortunately, is not run the same way as.
So you have to give him time and give him the chance to deliver the vision he has for the team.
That aside I do think that our DoF needs to help him, as the biggest risk with Frank and the team is the inexperience of that team and the tunnel vision that is indicative of inexperience....so I would consider a consultant/advisor call it to whatever you want, but someone who can challenge Frank, someone to coach the coach. Acknowledge that he might need help, that he doesn't know all the answers, someone he can honestly ask the question, what do you think? Or how did you do it? etc, someone that Frank can respect and want to talk to.