I need to replace my house windows. They're 20 odd years old, and a bit battered. Water was pissing in through one the other day and as I'm hanging out a window risking my life repairing the seal I figured wtf I run Evertons premium fan site so I could just buy new ones. I think. I've no clue what they cost but I'll find out next week.
Seeing as though GOT resembles dadsnet nowadays I thought I'd ask on here.
Im thinking triple glazing, but apparently double glazing with acoustic glass is better for sound proofing - which is a priority to prevent me shooting some owls @marnie
Has anyone had 20+ year double glazing replaced? If so, what did you go for and did you notice a difference with noise/temperature?
Seeing as though GOT resembles dadsnet nowadays I thought I'd ask on here.
Im thinking triple glazing, but apparently double glazing with acoustic glass is better for sound proofing - which is a priority to prevent me shooting some owls @marnie
Has anyone had 20+ year double glazing replaced? If so, what did you go for and did you notice a difference with noise/temperature?