Would you take an Everton relegation over seeing Big Red win the title?

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Where's this big red nonsense come from. The biggest red in the Premier League is Man It's. They are the rs. And Everton staying up is the main thing. They already won the league a couple of years back. They're still a media and merchandising operation masquerading as a football club, whereas we are still a football club, albeit a basket case of one at the moment!
Yes where did this Big Red moniker come from? What nonsense.
Well I got over 2019-20 soon enough (and there was something a bit more important going on around the world to take our mind of the carnage that caused)

I'd pretty soon forget them winning the league - I've had about a dozen previous opportunities to forget about it (we've won 4!) but relegation.. hmm. no thanks.

Are there actually people who want us to lose next week? Liverpool won the league a couple of years ago and the sky didn’t fall in. Everton staying up is more important than Liverpool winning anything. Can’t believe people think otherwise. We are light years away from Liverpool in all aspects both on and off the field. The gap between the two clubs has never been bigger. What they do is immaterial. We just need to stay up.
Hes the rascal with a heart of gold is our LC.

A true forseken.

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