I have this suspicion that he came here with the excuses loaded in, really don't think he puts in the work. His next job will be his last, then he'll wind up on the punditry circuit.
fixed that for youI was getting laughed at in November and December & February
Lampard has been getting by on his name alone , he's achieved nothing in management, hope he does well in his next job,just can't see it .
Have said for longer than anyone else here.
LAMPARD has been our problem.
He's gone - we win. Simples.
And yet the idiots who kept defending him - how do you feel now?
Yes there are a lot of problems with the club at present, but the manager was the by far the biggest.
With im gone we have a fighting chance now. It's just a shame we didn't give it to ourselves 6 games ago.
I am still absolutely furious with this club and its supporters for not being able to see this sooner. Tactically, Lampard is an utter idiot - he was far the worst manager in the top flight. I hope everyone who kept backing him, kept saying "who will we get in" will look at themselves in the mirror and understand that this reprehensible lack of standard keeping would certainly have seen not just relegated, but utterly humiliated. Look at yourselves in the mirror tonight and ask yourselves if you understand what our club motto means.
You Utter fools.You Utter idiots. If we stay up it will be IN SPITE of you, not BECAUSE of you.
Have said for longer than anyone else here.
DAVEK has been our problem.
He's gone - we win. Simples.
And yet the idiots who kept defending him - how do you feel now?
Yes there are a lot of problems with the club at present, but the orange-cat sperglord was the by far the biggest.
With 'im gone we have a fighting chance now. It's just a shame we didn't give it to ourselves 6 games ago.
I am still absolutely furious with this club and its supporters for not being able to see this sooner. Tactically, Davek is an utter virgin- he was far the worst virgin in the forum. I hope everyone who kept backing him, kept saying "who will we get in" will look at themselves in the mirror and understand that this reprehensible lack of standard keeping would certainly have seen not just relegated, but utterly humiliated. Look at yourselves in the mirror tonight and ask yourselves if you understand what our club motto means.
You Utter fools.You Utter idiots. If we stay up it will be IN SPITE of you, not BECAUSE of you.
There was something not quite right about that that manager who won 3 games out of 20 but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. Thanks for the insight!Have said for longer than anyone else here.
LAMPARD has been our problem.
He's gone - we win. Simples.
And yet the idiots who kept defending him - how do you feel now?
Yes there are a lot of problems with the club at present, but the manager was the by far the biggest.
With im gone we have a fighting chance now. It's just a shame we didn't give it to ourselves 6 games ago.
I am still absolutely furious with this club and its supporters for not being able to see this sooner. Tactically, Lampard is an utter idiot - he was far the worst manager in the top flight. I hope everyone who kept backing him, kept saying "who will we get in" will look at themselves in the mirror and understand that this reprehensible lack of standard keeping would certainly have seen not just relegated, but utterly humiliated. Look at yourselves in the mirror tonight and ask yourselves if you understand what our club motto means.
You Utter fools.You Utter idiots. If we stay up it will be IN SPITE of you, not BECAUSE of you.
I think you’re suffering from premature evaluation to be honest.Have said for longer than anyone else here.
LAMPARD has been our problem.
He's gone - we win. Simples.
And yet the idiots who kept defending him - how do you feel now?
Yes there are a lot of problems with the club at present, but the manager was the by far the biggest.
With im gone we have a fighting chance now. It's just a shame we didn't give it to ourselves 6 games ago.
I am still absolutely furious with this club and its supporters for not being able to see this sooner. Tactically, Lampard is an utter idiot - he was far the worst manager in the top flight. I hope everyone who kept backing him, kept saying "who will we get in" will look at themselves in the mirror and understand that this reprehensible lack of standard keeping would certainly have seen not just relegated, but utterly humiliated. Look at yourselves in the mirror tonight and ask yourselves if you understand what our club motto means.
You Utter fools.You Utter idiots. If we stay up it will be IN SPITE of you, not BECAUSE of you.