Player Valuation: £35m
I think its all going swimmingly and that you chaps have got the dolly doldrums. Think happy, be happy, it makes all this kerfuffle and commotion go away, and bright and airy thoughts enter your head. I think you should all have a jolly good chuckle at these silly delays, as
they will soon sort themselves out and things will be right a s rain, licketty spit!
I feel a totally different man, since I went to my mate Warlock’s house and ate all his chocolate brownies, now I just want to smile and enjoy this smashing transfer window
they will soon sort themselves out and things will be right a s rain, licketty spit!

I feel a totally different man, since I went to my mate Warlock’s house and ate all his chocolate brownies, now I just want to smile and enjoy this smashing transfer window