PLEASE join us Zaha
Sorry for the late reply, fell asleep reading your post.
Being called a bore by you is like being called a nonce by Gary Glitter. I'll not let it bother me too much.
I'll never understand how people that love the game so much rely on stats for an opinion on a player. If a midfielder, wing-half or inside forward like
Duncan Mac could beat opposition defenders mesmerically and continually provided an open goal opportunity for a Gallute such as Big, Brave Bob
Latchford to balloon over the bar. Latchford pictured above with Dave Hickson & Joe Royle (Also, thanks to the photographer for leaving out Rooney,
Ferguson, Young, Gray & Sharp all alive at the time). Latchford scored more goals with his arse and kneecap and against poor opposition and never
winning a trophy of any worth. In years to come young Evertonians will believe that Big Brave Bob was miles better than Magic Mac because 'stats
will Lie'. The real stat should read MacMagic supplied Latchford with 40 assists a year for Latchford to Squander.
If we’d got him in, we’d have beaten villa and palace. Total dross opposition
If we’d got him in, we’d have beaten villa and palace. Total dross opposition
Why is this still a thread? He ain’t coming.
Both lovely fella’s off the field wasn’t that fussy over either of them on it, one was lazy so and so and the other would have been great on The Empire but not a football field, one man’s meat is another man’s poison.The game has evolved since those romantic days of football. Therefore, stats is now an intrinsic part of the game. Particularly as you are spending huge sums of money and where the game is a result driven business.
Mind you, I do empathise with you as I like to see stylish players.
The reason zaha didn’t join us was because of his useless agent who happens to be his brother. He should have had a clause inserted in the contract he signed, not just relying on a gentlemen’s agreement he could leave.Real easy to say that whenever another team reaches his "valuation" of Zaha he raises the price.
Let's just say little of column A little of column B. He CONSTANTLY changed his mind what he thought was a "fair market value" of him.The reason zaha didn’t join us was because of his useless agent who happens to be his brother. He should have had a clause inserted in the contract he signed, not just relying on a gentlemen’s agreement he could leave.