6 + 2 Point Deductions

The Premier League have just signed another record-breaking £6.7bn TV rights deal.

Meanwhile, we’ve got pay day loans funding the day-to-day running of the Club.

Of course we’ve been mismanaged, but the disconnect between the finances of the overall league and the constituent members is gargantuan. We shouldn’t have to worry about keeping the lights on. The whole system is totally corrupt.

very possible! lol
Besides him though. The amount we've lost on wages for players not playing, though obviously poor management, still shows no sporting advantage on some level.

In the financial year 21/22 we lost James, Digne and Richarlison and gained Demarai Gray, Andros Townsend, Dele Alli, Patterson and Mykolenko. I don’t know how anyone in their right mind could come to the conclusion that we gained an advantage from that.
In the financial year 21/22 we lost James, Digne and Richarlison and gained Demarai Gray, Andros Townsend, Dele Alli, Patterson and Mykolenko. I don’t know how anyone in their right mind could come to the conclusion that we gained an advantage from that.
Exactly it's nuts
One would think that sporting advantage would need to be proven, but instead we get a rich owner means a fine is pointless
It is a very flawed judgement
Hope our lawyers bring their A-Game if they have one
They’re worse. Shadow contracts to managers and players implies they knowingly broke the rules.

If they relegate City, they're destroying their own league. So with that in mind, they wont relegate City.

What they should do is instead of a 450 point deduction or whatever, is spread it out over the amount of years that they have transgressed, assuming they are found guilty. I'd give them 45 points deduction at the start of the season for 10 years, or however it would work out. Make them pay for dragging it our or so long. As clearly, there's no point fining them as the country is so rich. I have my suspicions though that this will be decided in a foreign embassy long before any commission get to set a ruling.

Lets not forget though that we already know they are guilty in some portion as they were found guilty by UEFA, they just couldn't do anything as theirs was time bound, so they got a way with a fine.
On the positive side, whatever the final punishment is is sets the precedent … until PL change the rules to suit City & Chelsea but watch out Wolves & Forest
Of course there should be some sort of standard approach in terms of punishment but the reality is that no two cases are ever quite the same .

CAS certainly aren’t consistent when it comes to handling out punishment or indeed when it makes rulings . Even something as clear cut as compensation under the “Webster Ruling “ isn’t calculated using the same formula .

Independent Panels often want to prove they are the big I arms and alas that’s what you encountered at your hearing. I very much doubt that the punishment will be increased , but that’s a possibility, so I am expecting as a minimum the 10 points to be reduced but even then I very much doubt that will set any sort of precedent.

In the adjudication for us, it was 6 points for guilty and then 1 point per £5M rounded up.

so 80 guilty charges is 480 point deduction plus the penalties added.

never going to happen.
And there is a huge part of the “scandal” about this whole charade!
I think I am right in saying that the sanction of the 10 point penalty applies in our case only, and the formula used to calculate it will not necessarily be applied in future cases brought by the PL, others may have a better understanding of it than me!
If they relegate City, they're destroying their own league. So with that in mind, they wont relegate City.

What they should do is instead of a 450 point deduction or whatever, is spread it out over the amount of years that they have transgressed, assuming they are found guilty. I'd give them 45 points deduction at the start of the season for 10 years, or however it would work out. Make them pay for dragging it our or so long. As clearly, there's no point fining them as the country is so rich. I have my suspicions though that this will be decided in a foreign embassy long before any commission get to set a ruling.

Lets not forget though that we already know they are guilty in some portion as they were found guilty by UEFA, they just couldn't do anything as theirs was time bound, so they got a way with a fine.
I have a feeling that they will keep our 10 point deduction and then when we escape, anyway, gives us the ten points back based on our arguements and then quietly drop all charges against big clubs
