teletimeport into the sea 20 m from shore?Disregarding Planet rotation.
If you wanted to go back to say Roman London, bearing in mind you'd have to be there first, only one Super power, not teleportation combined with time travel.
Anyway the fall will probably break both your ankles as it's all 20-30ft under present day levels now
Nothing's ever simple
teletimeport, it's a shore thingteletimeport into the sea 20 m from shore?
Why even bother go up to the bar. Last sip, snap and another beer at the tableRun out of money at the bar, snap - create £20 pound notes from thin air.
In situation 2 you could just use the same superpower as in situation 1I’d want my superpower to be the ability to manifest whatever superpower I wanted / needed at any given time.
Run out of money at the bar, snap - create £20 pound notes from thin air.
Sat on the toilet and there’s no bog roll left, snap - adopt the ability to pinch one off without needing to wipe.
Etc etc
Yep eminently doable, shifting sands and all that, using the Roman London example, the Thames was twice as wide back then.teletimeport into the sea 20 m from shore?
All's I can think is the red dwarf episode where they get the faster than light drive and travel back in time to present day earth but are still lost in deep space.Yep eminently doable, shifting sands and all that, using the Roman London example, the Thames was twice as wide back then.
Thinking in're standing on the banks of the river fleet and decide to go back. You'd end up in an underground sewer.
If you hold with the theory that there are parallel worlds in a near infinite ring around the sun as it were, stepping between those worlds going 'east' or 'west' would be a neat trick
Will one be poking oneself just for starters?To poke people on the nose for two minutes whilst saying, "you are really are very stupid, aren't you ?" , and they couldn't do anything about it. Yes, that would be a great superpower, and great fun to boot.