Goodison Park and the fanbase

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So difficult this.

As someone who actually goes to see Everton once in a blue moon i’d never begrudge a match going Evertonian to do whatever they want at a match. But it does seem dead dead quiet at the moment doesn’t it?

But then what is there to shout about? What do you have to get out of your seat and chant about?

It’s diffucult to care about managers and players who don’t seem to care much themselves.
Constant abuse inside the ground is dead weird. But there is utterly nothing to shout about right now. No big team would have had a big atmosphere there today. In fact I was surprised that there was no real hostility or groaning till the final whistle. And I think it's perfectly fine to let rip once the game is over cause there's no negative effect on performance.
Constant abuse inside the ground is dead weird. But there is utterly nothing to shout about right now. No big team would have had a big atmosphere there today. In fact I was surprised that there was no real hostility or groaning till the final whistle. And I think it's perfectly fine to let rip once the game is over cause there's no negative effect on performance.

This really. A corner for us used to sound like the end of the world, as lids and kids stamped on the boards in excitement.

Us losing now is just drab to watch.
I'd say Vlasic, Baines, Davies, DCL and Niasse looked arsed and capable of getting a result today, generating a bit of excitement in the crowd.
Their goal and then us strolling it around and backwards at 5mph when they'd let us have the ball and reduced us to 40 yard attempts skied over the bar killed any atmosphere. It felt like watching an insane man bang his head against a brick wall today. The only thing that raised anyone from their slumber in the second half was the ref carding Baines for being first to the ball and then not giving the handball.

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