Arteta to Valencia

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Evidently not. Although I can't wait for what specimens that pop out of the woodwork in the summer.

Might as well start making them up now and beat the journos to them.

One likely to be seen:

With the proceeds of the sale of Baines, Jagielka and Rodwell, Everton and David Moyes are casting furtive, coy glances and playing footsie under the table with Raul and Adebayor. "We won't get caught with out a proper striker again" said Moyes, muttering that overpaying for troublesome and nearly out to pasture strikers was better than being forced to remind Beckford that Everton = effort even in a 3-0 white washing.


With no money whatsoever to spend, Everton are currently leading the chase for (insert any player name here) who after falling out of first team selection, is looking for an English club that will love to sign him for about 90,000 pounds per week.
Fernandes had gone the way of other notable stalwarts as (deep breath)

Jason Koumas
Robbie Savage
jose Moutinho
Charles Nzogbia

I fear Banega is next on the list. I'd love to see him come here but who knows. Wouldnt be surprised to see Arteta go though. We broke the bank to keep him and he only turned up for 4 games all season - and then out injured.

Not good enough really, although we should cut him some slack if only because his previous form has been to such an impeccable standard. Still with everyone on a fat salary being sold and a loss of form, injuries and age stacking up, it seems logical to sell him while we'll still get a tidy sum.

After all the beautiful moments though, the head says sell and the heart says stay.

God I'd miss him if we sold him. I can't think who could replace him that wouldn't cost 30 million or something.
Rumours are for summer you beauts, do one.

rumour are all that we have left, a glimmer of hope in a dark football sky, that spark of hope that makes life worth living, im going to find a star and wish every night for just one rumour any old one to be true, billybull**** cant stop me dreaming no matter how hard he going to press my nose to that window pane and pick one star out and wish our dreams could come true , a tranfer window prayer to heaven from me, if that dosnt work god can really [Poor language removed] , i gave up my religion because we didnt win the cup and im going athiest if we dont get at least one player in this year.

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