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  • Hey matey.

    I've mentioned this band a few times in threads, but I think you should definitely check out TV on the Radio.

    You seem to be a fan of upbeat, experimental music, that incorporates various genres (need I need a better example than The Go! Team?), and I think these might fit that bill.

    They can take a while to get into, but I'd recommend starting with 2008's "Dear Science" if you're interested. Their new album, and the one before "Dear Science" are also quality.

    Later, man. xx
    You keep changing your avatar, right? It hurts my head to keep up. :( Damn you.
    Haha, I like that thread! If I have something to shout about I can shout about it in there. For example, I wanted to be all "YEYEY" over being spotted by a fellow GOT member at the Villa game, but I couldn't find the thread! It well confused me :o

    Mcnulty is the first journo with some clout to actually say anything...

    I have it on good authority he is a blueboy as well...

    Did you see the arsenal fan moaning at how they barely got a mention??? They are bad teds, last night proved it...
    Flag football is like American football but everyone wears belts with little ribbon "flags" attached, and instead of tackling the player with the ball you try to pull one of the flags off his belt. It's for old people and wusses :)

    I play soccer at those North Park fields. The ones up on the platform next to the big green water tower, right? Just had a game last night and we got destroyed. Our team blows.
    Not a lot really.

    Just watching melt season unfold...chillin...having a bud...

    I still ain't watched Inception yet, is it any good??
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