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  • I did indeedy, sounded sweet. I was totally distracted by Crackhouse though. The mrs Sky+ it - she knows I love that sh*t.
    Hi mate, i've only just noticed you msged me. R u on twitter then? Who r u on there?
    I've just clocked. Sorry mate, I'm not switched on today.

    Nah it wasn't me mate lololol.. But there are some classics on there...crying with laughter reading them.

    GOT defo deserves to win.
    I think I'll use that a bit more myself. I did find a lot of the music I wanted wasn't on there, unfortunately, but with the kind of obscure music I (and you) like it's to be expected sometimes. And it's also early days for that site, so it will no doubt improve in time.

    Most bands actually make most of their money from gigs, though, I think. So I try and support them that way as well.
    That's pretty darn smart.

    I usually listen to things on spotify and the like first, and then if I really like it I'll buy it off amazon or wherever's cheapest.

    I have to admit I may sometimes ARGH ME MATEY things... but I do get a case of the ol' guilty conscience. I feel no shame in doing that with massive artists though -- they're rich enough! But yeah, stealing something from underground, little known bands is just cruel.
    "The fact I looked like Pele when I played a soccer game there once ;-)"

    Bring your boots next time you come out to SD, you have to play on my team and win a game for us!!!
    Yeah that video is incredible. I love American TV comedies, and pretty much every actor I know is in it!!

    Oh and I quite like Avi Buffalo. Makes for a nice, calm, breezy listen.
    Yeah mate, want everyone to put their opinion on there ! Also if you've anything you want to write about let us know.

    Cheers mate and spread the good word !! Ha ha
    Glad you like them.

    That's so tragic though. The bass in their later albums was one of the strongest and most important aspects of their sound. A genuine loss to music, that is.
    I know what you mean, mate.

    JDawg was going on about the Joy Formidable's debut at the turn of the year, and I only got round to it 3-4 months later. And then before Thursday's new release, it was far and away my favourite album of 2011!
    You're definitely missing out, dude.

    They're one of those bands that just have a ridiculous level of consistency. They can do no wrong.

    Dear Science is my favourite of theirs, anyway, but their new one is quality. I've only listened to it ~20 times though, and their music gets better and better with lots of listens.
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