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    I am stoked, I am going to the Werder Bremen preseason match with the fam. Surgery will be a few weeks later. The transfer window still has over a month and a half left. Something will give.
    In physical therapy twice a week. I have to improve my range of motion before I can have surgery. So it looks like surgery in mid August. Thanks for checking in. How is life in your slice of the world?
    DEFO , gonna check it out , Lid ..

    Ano !!! Mad as Fuk !!! Interscope have followed me for ages like , but , Roc-A-Fella ...??? OH Yes !!!
    Haha ..

    The Hoff turned up last week too ... WTF ??? The Hoff follows me ...

    WHY though ??? Haha .. Fuka wont be able to understand me , but its been a week an' hes still there ..

    Maybe , HE told B , whom told Jigga .... Like that ... Haha
    Eh , meant to say , gotta Twitter Msg off , Roc-A-Fella records the other day ...

    Day=MADE !!! The Hoff' , is OK an'all , but THIS was me , Im Kinda Arrivin' , moment ...

    Haha .. Cheers , Dude ...
    Um.... not much new stuff at the moment. I'm quite liking Foster The People though, Pumped Up Kicks is a great track.
    Ha ha we had to expand the user profile last year mate with all the Jarg rumours!
    No mate. I have photoshop but I'm not great with it. For those, as it's just about adding text to a picture, I use tinypic. It's a service where you can upload your images, like imageshack etc, but you can edit them too. There's an option to add text in all sorts of fonts. I use that for things like that -- infinitely better than paint and infinitely easier than PS.

    I'm hoping to improve my PS skills however. I'm no good with a camera, but I'd like to become technically proficient with someone like PS, so I can do things like this. As it's fun and interesting. :)
    Aye it is smart. Between that and Amazon MP3s you can pick up most stuff quite cheaply now.

    Thought I'd dropped you a note yesterday! I'm just outside Evesham these days. Have spent much of the last 20 years in and around Stratford. Hence my well educated guesses as to where you live.
    Alio. Thanks. RFUS gave me the link to 7digital, which he advised in turn came from you.
    I just got an album for £5. Much less than elsewhere.
    Hmmm. Good puzzle there. Droitwich, Bromsgrove on one side of the M5 Alcester, Evesham....somewhere like that on the other?!
    Mate, if you know Redditch and you know Worcester then you've got to be within spitting distance of me.....
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