2023/24 Sean Dyche

Lampard also being crap doesn't make dyche any less crap. Both crap in their own way.

Dyche has had a decade to show what he is and he's a relegation level dinosaur who is stuck in the 90s
Nobody said it did. Again, the defensiveness on display here is instructive.

It's like people are setting up their posts like Dyche sets up his teams.

I never said otherwise. Amazing how defensive of Frank people still get around here.
Works both ways,
I’ve seen people call dyche a great manager a good manager a miracle worker. In reality he’s Doing a slightly better job than Frank,
But has a better squad this season than Lampard had

Nah, I just find it fascinating how image dictates so much in the Premier League - and Evertonians are as bad as anybody else for eulogising glamour despite our self-regard and image as being down to Earth. Lampard was abysmal and Dyche is utterly uninspiring, if vaguely competent. You could argue they were much of a muchness (though that flatter Fraudulent Fan-Friendly Frank), but there is no doubt one was given ridiculous amounts of "love" while the other was merely tolerated. I find the diference fascinating.

Truth is we are a car crash of a club and those wishing for more will have to wait until the summer at the very earliest and probably much longer than that.
Human nature .
Some people inspire , others don’t.
Both can be successful.
Shankly was inspirational , Catterick wasn’t .
But both were excellent managers.
In the end though it was Shankly who created a club mentality that outlasted him.
Same in all fields a good leader doesn’t have to be inspirational but it can magnify the success of a leader if the people he leads are inspired by him .
In modern day football the best exemplar of this is Simeone , the passion he creates on the sideline inspires the crowd and players alike , helps create a feeling of togetherness that feeds from the crowd to the players on the pitch.
We were 2 nil down at half time. Who was the manager of the first half? You're glamorising Frank for wounding himself and then stitching up the wound
There is not much between the two managers result wise , but it remains a fact that if we go behind under Dyche we have never come back to win.
Again we are arguing who is the worst of two poor managers and , again , neither are good enough.
There is not much between the two managers result wise , but it remains a fact that if we go behind under Dyche we have never come back to win.
Again we are arguing who is the worst of two poor managers and , again , neither are good enough.
In Dyches 'win to keep us up game' we didn't go behind. I know which scenario I prefer.
