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  1. Durham Toffee

    Gana rumours

    You git
  2. Durham Toffee

    The Media who cover Everton

    Boss post this, like. Spot on.
  3. Durham Toffee

    NFL 2021

    Really want the Bengals to take the trophy as the ultimate underdog.
  4. Durham Toffee

    Gana rumours

    I remember when I said he'd be an absolute bargain and would be an amazing player... It's one of the few things in life I've absolutely nailed and I'm going to remind you all of it at every opportunity. So there.
  5. Durham Toffee

    What are you currently listening to?

    Pentangle are boss, like.
  6. Durham Toffee

    Old Everton Pictures

    Feel stupid asking for his, but are those images photos, wax drawings or a blend of the two? They look amazing.
  7. Durham Toffee

    What are you currently listening to?

    Early 70s ?
  8. Durham Toffee

    The bomb shelter thread.

    Ah, yes. The GM30 with its 5-point head harness and an additional neck strap, made from cloth and elasticated by steelsprings. *realises this knowledge may have implications*
  9. Durham Toffee

    The bomb shelter thread.

    I love how much the announcements logo looks like a Soviet era gas mask...
  10. Durham Toffee

    What are you currently listening to?

    Now that I'm approaching 40, I've discovered the British folk revival...
  11. Durham Toffee

    Word Association Thread

  12. Durham Toffee

    Word Association Thread

  13. Durham Toffee

    So you offer someone the managers job.

    It's all about the backroom.
  14. Durham Toffee

    On this day 45 years ago . . .

    I was - 8 years old. Just saying.
  15. Durham Toffee

    Computer games.

    Ghost of Tsushima is giving me butterflies...
  16. Durham Toffee

    5 great things about getting older

    You wonder how the hell your priorities used to be so f'ed up.
  17. Durham Toffee

    Newcastle offer season ticket holders free half-season ticket to try to fill St James' Park

    Lads up here all hate Ashley with a passion but still go week on week. I’ve continually told them it’s ridiculous. If I can get through my sparky AM2, I’ve convinced the missus to move out nearer to where her family live. And it’s a good 80 miles closer to Goodison than I am now...
  18. Durham Toffee

    The 'Post Funny stuff' Thread

    Took it like a pro, though...
  19. Durham Toffee

    The 'Post Funny stuff' Thread

    What have I just watched???
  20. Durham Toffee

    'Breaking News that nobody is interested in' ...

    No longer teaching. Went down me dad’s route and got a job as a sparky. Just finished my L2 and L3 2365 City & Guilds and I’ve got a job with an industrial team as an electrician’s mate. Looking to complete my AM2 and get my gold card, but that’s another year or so away at least...