What do you do whilst waiting for this good economy?
What you don't seem to understand is that poverty is in the here and now for many people. The reality is that there are families who do not know where the next meal is coming from. It's far more tangible. Basic necessities that most of us take for granted are not attainable by some. At any time, that could be you, or me. And yet those people have to wait for the economy to be good. It's bull.
In regards to investing in growth, with all due respect you're talking twaddle. Not least because investment in education was significant. If you want to grow a country and sustain it, the best thing you can do is invest in the next generation of innovators, entrepreneurs and business people etc.
In regards to taxing the super rich.
The super rich often get rich off the back of the average Joe (refer to my posts in the other thread). We are needed to be workers and consumers etc. If the super rich are asked to pay extra to subsidise the poor and choose to leave the country instead, then quite simply society is better off without them. They are admitting that they were only here to exploit anyway.
Evaluate your life, why are you here? Is it not to be a part of society, to contribute your bit and to benefit from the actions and deeds of others? Are you comfortable with how that's panning out for you compared to others?
The true measure of a society is how it treats it's weakest members.