You've cracked a bit of the code there mate. I'm 40, 41 soon, and although I can remember the eighties it certainly wasn't mine or anything like that.
There seems to be a real divide in the demographics. Those who've seen success in the past generally think protest is futile, those who have not can see the existential battle this club is in.
And it is an existential battle. I'm fifth generation Evetonian, at least. My sixteen year lad is nominally a blue, but Everton have actually sucked all the joy out of football for him. In reality, he supports nobody and is more interested in basketball and the NBA.
Not many of his mates interested in football either, and the ones that are are RS. Not sure if the older set of fans, the ones who think this is just part of a cycle are aware of how much the future of the club is in question right now. As someone who's pro protest I genuinely see the urgency in doing something now, right now. If we don't, there may well not be a club tomorrow.