#27 Years/NSNOW/#AllTogetherNow Fan Campaign

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There's a reason for all of them of them though isn't there.

You talk about dinosaur football. Sometimes, Dinosaur football is the best plan, when you haven't got the players or the infrastructure to play the alternatives. But people seem to think its just a case of hiring a "progressive" manager and it all just clicks into place. Its doesnt work like that. If we somehow decided to hang fire on Dyche because we got wind that Guardiola fancied a crack, we could hire him tomorrow, we would not play like City. Not without years of implementation and an expensively assembled squad on huge wages.

If it was that easy, noone would ever sign any players, they would just transform what they had into what they needed.

Be realistic.

Football, at its core, can be a very simple game. Or it can be very complex. We dont have the luxury of attempting complex, so simple might just have to do for now.

And to be perfectly honest, id rather we were a little bit boring for a season or 2. Stability might not be exciting, but its the foundation of any forward thinking club. Our attempts at trying to skip that part with flavour of the month managers and overly expenisive players is why we are in this mess at the moment.
Except Newcastle have done that and look at them now

Massive day for the campaign Saturday.

I'd imagine events over the past week will have convinced a few fence sitters to get involved.

Obviously, there's going to be a hardcore bunch who'd rather hymn Kumbaya and hope for the best, but the vast majority can now see that this board is desperately out of its depth.

Don't use the "we have to stick together and support the team" garbage as an excuse not to protest. It's easy to do both.

Support the team, oppose the board.
if the lads in the gladys and park end get creative, they could adapt songs to support the lads and condemn the beauts, such as singing spirit if the blues like…
Everton, ‘board out’
we never shone so brightly
Everton, ‘board out’
the spirit of the blues
do do dooo ‘board out’
do do doo ‘board out’

Massive day for the campaign Saturday.

I'd imagine events over the past week will have convinced a few fence sitters to get involved.

Obviously, there's going to be a hardcore bunch who'd rather hymn Kumbaya and hope for the best, but the vast majority can now see that this board is desperately out of its depth.

Don't use the "we have to stick together and support the team" garbage as an excuse not to protest. It's easy to do both.

Support the team, oppose the board.

What’s the objective of the protest that hasn’t been communicated already? I’m not saying I’m anti protest, I just don’t get why we’d want mass demonstration to re-communicate that we’re still not happy with the board. There is no higher power than Bill and Moshiri. No amount of protest changes that, unless I’m wrong? They’ll be here until they decide they no longer want to be.

What’s the objective of the protest that hasn’t been communicated already? I’m not saying I’m anti protest, I just don’t get why we’d want mass demonstration to re-communicate that we’re still not happy with the board. There is no higher power than Bill and Moshiri. No amount of protest changes that, unless I’m wrong? They’ll be here until they decide they no longer want to be.
Because any protest needs to be organised properly and sustained as such.
I lowered myself to read a Daily Star article last night having a pop at our 2 man and a dog protest outside GP. We need a protest that goes longer and more active than those of the most honourable Blackpool and Sunderland fans.
It will be all for nothing if we get to Goodison and Happy Clap Saint Bill's mug like the time after the brilliant Blue Union put so much effort in for getting Bill out all that time ago.
We know those fans with at least half a brain want the board out, we just have to show the world that Bill's lovies voices are irrelevant and biased.
Because any protest needs to be organised properly and sustained as such.
I lowered myself to read a Daily Star article last night having a pop at our 2 man and a dog protest outside GP. We need a protest that goes longer and more active than those of the most honourable Blackpool and Sunderland fans.
It will be all for nothing if we get to Goodison and Happy Clap Saint Bill's mug like the time after the brilliant Blue Union put so much effort in for getting Bill out all that time ago.
We know those fans with at least half a brain want the board out, we just have to show the world that Bill's lovies voices are irrelevant and biased.
The issue though is that a large portion of our fan base are so dumb (like Carlin) and/or apathetic. With people like this outsiders will say we deserve what we are getting. We are relying on them to wake up now
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What’s the objective of the protest that hasn’t been communicated already? I’m not saying I’m anti protest, I just don’t get why we’d want mass demonstration to re-communicate that we’re still not happy with the board. There is no higher power than Bill and Moshiri. No amount of protest changes that, unless I’m wrong? They’ll be here until they decide they no longer want to be.
When the protests stop they will start coming back. The longer the protests go on (ie for every game), they won’t come back to the ground and their position becomes more and more untenable.
This manager has a very low ceiling, he plays dinosaur football and will take us down.
He won’t excite the fans and after 4 games we want him out but the board will wait till 8.. he won less games then Lampard last season
Give us one candidate who would help us survive? You come up with Bielsa then you don't know the game well.
What’s the objective of the protest that hasn’t been communicated already? I’m not saying I’m anti protest, I just don’t get why we’d want mass demonstration to re-communicate that we’re still not happy with the board. There is no higher power than Bill and Moshiri. No amount of protest changes that, unless I’m wrong? They’ll be here until they decide they no longer want to be.
And this is the sort of attitude which will lead to our demise. How you can question the validity of protest at this stage and the position we are in is unreal.

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