6 + 2 Point Deductions

Everton never admitted they were guilty...they admitted having breached psr rules but with mitigation circumstances some of which were due to the PL changing their rules half way through the process. Unless I missed something...
Exactly this. It's the PL that discounted mitigating factors excusing the breach, not Everton admitting guilt.

In fairness some of the mitigating factors are weak but others are very much not. For the PL to discount as much as they have is the root cause of all this mess, not Everton admitting any guilt.
They do seem to be taking their time. What could be the hold up?

Any news from the fa when this is likely to be announced? Its not like the end of season is fast approaching.

It will be after tonight's game......probably tomorrow
We dont have a televised game for a month after today so they can bury any protests!
If we have a positive outcome do not forget blues, do not forget who tried to pray on the worst fears of their own fans and the devastation of the local community, the pain it would cause and the loss of income to many in Liverpool.

Get the rails ready and run these folk out.
Hearing we are only getting 1 point back now due to the threat of violence.

Masters said in the select committee something along the lines of “whatever the deduction of points may be” after the appeal.

The PL have quite clearly indicated at all points they want points removed from Everton so it would be a massive climb down to see us given between 5-10 back.

However by threatening the legality of their sanction, Everton not being afraid of legal action etc that would require full disclosure of all documents etc puts the league in a very difficult position. Everton are opening up a can of worms for the league in their pursuit of city who will 100% be suing the PL in every court available
If Masters doesn't wish to disclose the minutes, wouldn't it be in his best interest to give us what we want, to save reputational damage? I fully expect there to be some comments in there acknowledging the unjust sanctions, wanting to make an example of us, simple dislike for us or some form of fear mongering tactic talk, suggesting very little justifiable comments on the how the came to the conclusion. I expect very little mathematics or case studies went into the discussion, hence why they don't want to release the minutes.
Who wrote this? because it's incorrect. It's actually very possible for us to do that..
Part thinks they wouldn’t announce it on the day of a big game for a club involved and then part thinks they’re that inept that they wouldn’t even care about that so let’s drink cups of tea and instead of creating a big, pointless nest of hysteria and talk about the best injury time goals you’ve ever seen at Goodsy Park.
Part thinks they wouldn’t announce it on the day of a big game for a club involved and then part thinks they’re that inept that they wouldn’t even care about that so let’s drink cups of tea and instead of creating a big, pointless nest of hysteria and talk about the best injury time goals you’ve ever seen at Goodsy Park.
For Everton. They gotta be Everton goals only.

That’s right guys, the transfer virgins and those who shadow banned @the sniderman on GOT must be CRUSHED when Everton get two points back.
Football is littered with clubs paying players and agents off the books that’s a basic fact . Even recently HMRc have investigated and issued significant financial penalties against the majority of PL clubs

Recently Brighton were fined by the FA for understating payments to agents

Chelsea will possibly, I say possibly because I am not sure what evidence either the FA and or the PL have actually seen other than the issues discovered following Clearlake’s DD but from what I have read much is circumstantial and on the face of it points a finger but will that be considered to be on the balance of probability?

My guess would be that a points deduction is likely but expulsion is highly unlikely but even then the fact that Chelsea self reported will be a significant mitigating factor

Then you can talk about Cities alleged misdemeanour which is a whole different kettle of fish

So, what your saying is, a war in Europe increasing construction prices, destabilising confidence in financial markets, directly removing the ability for our main sponsor to actually sponsor us, alongside accusations against a player under our employ being unable to be played or traded are not, in your eyes sufficient as mitigating factors, but pleading guilty to cooking the books and saying 'weren't me though guv' is?

If what we have been found guilty of, essentially £20m overspend over 3 years with all mitigations ignored, whilst building a stadium is worth 10 points, or even 5 or whatever, then surely on a scale, deliberate avoidance of reporting a true financial position for many years in a direct attempt to gain an advantage is much, much worse. Same goes for City.

With only using the information in the public space as to what both City and Chelsea have been accused of, the only thing that makes City worse than what Chelsea have done is simply the volume.
I don't think any of this is or has been a good look for the PL but the fact they are doing this mid season, adding extra pressure on the players is disgusting in my eyes. Especially given the punishment was made up and even then wholly disproportionate to the actual offence.

I would also like to know why the war in Ukraine hasn't been accepted as a huge mitigating factor, we lost all our sponsorship in one foul swoop, including a naming rights deal. They sanctioned our "owner" thus stopping sponsorship deals, how is that not mitigation..

Whole process is an absolute farce and I hope we take it all the way to the highest court.
I would also like to know why the war in Ukraine hasn't been accepted as a huge mitigating factor, we lost all our sponsorship in one foul swoop, including a naming rights deal. They sanctioned our "owner" thus stopping sponsorship deals, how is that not mitigation..
It's only mitigation for Richard Masters apparently. The war (and COVID) has made his job more difficult.

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