I dont think they wanted us to breach.
The 13 August 2021 agreement imposed certain obligations on Everton, oneof which was to obtain the Premier League’s approval of purchases of newplayers. The Premier League approved each such request but when doing socautioned Everton that it (the Premier League) was not managing Everton’sfinances, and that it was for Everton to ensure that it complied with the PSR.The Premier League asserts that for Everton to have persisted in playerpurchases in the face of such plain warnings was recklessness that constitutesan aggravating factor.
103. The Commission considers that it was unwise for Everton not to havecurtailed player purchases. It was aware of potential PSR difficulties butpressed ahead in the hope that it would make sales of players that wouldenable it to achieve PSR compliance. Events have proved that to be a poorjudgment.
104. At one level, disregard of the potential PSR difficulties can be said to increaseEverton’s culpability. But the Commission considers that there is a dangerof double counting. We have already made clear that our approach is to startby considering the extent by which the PSR threshold has been exceeded: thegreater the excess, the greater the culpability. We do not consider that thereasons for the PSR breach should aggravate that culpability unless they canbe said to constitute exceptional conduct. For example, a deliberate cynicalbreach of the PSR to achieve a sporting advantage might increase culpabilitybeyond that already arrived at by the extent of the breach. We do not thinkthat this is such a case. Everton may have taken unwise risks, but it did so inthe mistaken belief that it would achieve PSR compliance: it is not a case ofa deliberate breach.
Read that last sentence and then try and understand why it was 10 points.