Whatever the hell you like

Revised Polling options on who wants a 777 takeover

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For me the solution may lie with MSP coming in as a minority shareholder leaving 777 with a reduced majority.

MSP would hold a very strong hand in negotiations and could get a very good deal to allow the taleover to move forward.

I don't know if that would be good or bad for Everton but at least we know where the loyalties of Andy Bell lie.

andy bell is a blue? doesn’t have have enough to want to buy us? the bad scruff
I think most of us can see through 777 I don't think any of us are so naive to think they're the right prospective owners. I just don't get why they would persevere and also keep pumping money in to us when they have lots and lots of troubles elsewhere. Doesn't make sense. Do they think we (Everton) or the Premier League are their meal ticket?

At this point you have to start (just like the ESA) questioning the owner and the PL to bring this to a close for the benefit of the football club. But I think that's a bit of a contradiction asking the Premier League and Moshiri to do what's best for Everton Football Club.
Part of keeping the (alleged) grift going is that you constantly have to have new partners (victims) - and for it to be profitable, they have to be bigger and bigger or else it dies off.


Congratulations Everton, you've had a Wander*

*Not assuming gender
Good letter from the shareholders, straight to the point. What good it will do , who knows.

I was talking to a couple of blues on the train earlier and they were saying how tedious it is to be a Evertonian. I couldn’t disagree with them.

It’s different from the 90’s because back then there was a sort of lingering hope that the club would get its act together and for a very brief period under Royle they did .

After that it’s been either a mess or little periods of hope and then back to mediocrity again. That takes its toll on a persons enthusiasm after so long imo.

If ever a football club needed a full on clear out not just on the pitch, it’s Everton.
