Just how ‘in the dark’ is everyone on this? Are there no indications whatsoever on the following:
How much money is required for 777 (or somebody else) to gain control of Everton?
Nobody has a clue. Everton alone is practically worthless. (the debt and running costs per year is probably the same as the 'real' value.
If 777 are actually capable of obtaining the required amount to gain control, how is the payment being structured…
If they are not, they must be pretty confident they can generate the illusion of being able to do so. (without proof of funds the PL won't sign off)
Is it a simple purchase of Moshiri’s shares, with all the money going to Moshiri? Or is the lion’s share going towards paying off debt? Or an unknown combination of the two?
This information is extremely important because the way in which the takeover is being structured could make a really big difference to everything!
Again, nobody knows. I know that Moshiri just needs a guaranteed figure, and he doesn't need it all at once. Maybe the passive aggressive message from the Usmanov camp a few days back about hoping to be repaid means he has little choice.
At present there are two potential liabilities that make Everton unattractive, which are the prospect of relegation and the ongoing costs of the stadium. But if the risk of relegation is removed, and the stadium costs ultimately become paid for by paying off the debt incurred through its construction, then a new owner could actually end up getting themselves a bargain.
If the figures are relatively low (300 - 500 million) and the lion’s share is going towards paying off our substantial debts, then I think there is an argument to be made that the new owners are getting a very good deal, and that we should be able to attract better owners than 777.
If the takeover involves the removal of debt for the stadium, the new owners are acquiring a well established premier league club in a brand new stadium with a small or nonexistent debt burden.
IF that’s what is on offer, we should be able to attract better than 777.
I read somewhere in a US study of premier league future earnings that even a middling PL club will actually worth around 2.5 BILLION in a couple of years time.. Even if 777 end up spending half that (Moshiri shares, loan, stadium) it's going to be a great money spinner for them. (the only thing they're interested in)
Anyone listening to the FAB call?
Not necessarily their fault, but doesn’t sound like anything useful was discussed in their meeting with the 777 fella (the ex City group one)
I had it on, left after 1hr 45. They were in the final throes then anyway.
Honestly there wasn't much said. Dave Kelly met with the fella who used to be at City and said he seemed sound enough. Dave shared a few concerns about lack of engagement with the past owner and board. It's something they will review should they gain control. Nothing sensitive/business related was discussed, I don't think anybody sane would think it would be.
They appear to be big on promises but short on delivery in general.
I think that finger can be pointed at anybody new coming into a business. You can only judge them on actions after the event.
Just a bunch of sharks picking off the wounded.
We wounded ourselves through shambolic decision making. This is the price we pay.
We should be beating them of with paddles, not dipping our hands into the water to attract them !!!
We're too injured. Right now they're the only game in town. Moshiri cannot/will not spend another penny. No operating cash = no Everton in 3 months.
777 will have the sole aim of making money. To make money they have to run a viable business. There's no assets to strip, nothing to leverage against.
The noise around them is terrible, but people repeating the same things over and over only amplifies the feeling of dread. There's absolutely nothing we as fans can do about who Moshiri sells to, so might as well see what happens.