Shouldn’t let it bother me, but he must be flabbergasted that he still has a platform after his “Everton are not in breach of PSR”, hours before referall. Dribbled out a meek story about meaning we would be compliant if we do X,Y and Z; some of which had been ruled out by the first commission, and the rest pure guesswork based on unseen, unaudited and unsubmitted accounts. Bet he thought his rep was toast, now popping up in the middle of hit pieces against the club in national media, and claiming he was party to meetings about how we were going to account for interest under International Accounting Standards. If he was anywhere near such a meeting, you can’t then spout off about it on X! The 22/23 accounts haven’t been filed with companies house and he is releasing numerical examples from them to the world? Never happening.
Like driving past an accident, I can’t help but look each time he spouts due to the lack of other info. Doesn’t even talk a good accounting game. Knows the buzzwords and knows what gets clicks. Driving me mad that poor folk hang their hopes on his sermons. If any alternative buyers have in any way had contact with him, which he seems to want people to think, then they are immediately more hopeless than 777.
Sick of seeing the word Josimar too.