I suppose both 777 and MSP operate ‘ multi club models ‘ so no difference there.
You make good points generally about the attraction of the multi club model , and I must admit I was attracted to the idea myself a few years ago , but I have somewhat altered my views since.
There is disquiet generally about the growth of such entities and many authorities are restricting the advantages they may bring.
The PL has recently voted to ensure that all loans and sales between affiliated clubs be made to reflect the true market rate thus negating one of the perceived advantages of the model.
There are also rules regarding qualification for European competitions which only allow one club to qualify from the affiliated clubs , fine if your the club allowed to compete but damaging to the others.
There is also a danger to competition as increasing numbers of clubs get absorbed into such groupings. It is it not inconceivable that at some point football competition will become dominated by a handful of owners operating a multi club system to the detriment of the individuality and independence of the clubs and to sporting competition generally .
I’ve mentioned before that while they may offer economy of scale they bring a risk of dilution of brand .