The problem with conspiracy theories is that those who choose to believe them pick and choose pieces of evidence and then make them ' fit ' into their already pre determined conclusion, which in this case is that the Bush administration were evil warmongers who would do anything, including the mass murder of it's own citizens, in order to gain a foothold in the middle east.
The same people will dismiss out of hand thousands of eye witness reports and fully investigated facts as part of a wider government led 'cover up' which would have to involve literally tens of thousands of people.
Time and time again, when faced with cold hard facts they still swerve these facts with pure bluster:
Believer: They demolished the twin towers with thermite.
Official: We have proved thermite cannot burn through steel.
Believer: Well it's not ordinary thermite it's ultra secret military super thermite.
And so it goes on and on. The fact is there are many people who always think there is 'more to it' than what actually there is.
If all you read about and listen to are conspiracy theories, then it stands to reason that's all you'll believe.