Sack Sky and donate to GOT...donations are needed
Actually, monty, perhaps its not so bad. Having a son-in-law overt whom you'll always have the upper hand in any football discussion, without even opening your mouth. Just keep a handwritten sign handy, and hold it up when appropraite: "What have you won in the last 50 years?"
There is a certain ironic beauty to that CT and is without doubt a last resort haven but I am thinking, perrish the thought, of off-spring with [Poor language removed] barcode tops and a barcode view on life. that is genuinely scary!
The plan is this, having to work within the law. I will acquire tickets, at great cost, enabling said daughter, fruit of my loins, to take this shitbag to a match. Said daughter will be advised to look at his reaction when the lads run out to Z Cars, when the Gwladys is in full cry when the atmosphere is electric, if he doesn't become a blue then, says anything untoward or even makes any comparrison to that sewerage team he presently supports then he cannot be the man for her, if he loved her he would do anything for her. In the words of my old mate Gaz, mwhahahahahahahaha mwhahahahahahahaha
There is one thing partly in his favour, he isn't from Newcastle, he is a pick yourself a bunch of tossers type supporter, ergo like most Utd, Chelsea and rs fans mwhahahahahahahaha