I do - I started supporting Everton in the 90s so I'm used to us being crap - but I don't get how me feeling like this makes Everton remain crap. Some fans genuinely seem to think that Everton's continued rubbishness is the fault of fans like me. How is me accepting mediocrity going to make a difference? None of the squad are going to come on here and think, "Well, we were going to waste Spurs but GoodisonOpheliac says she has low expectations for the club so sod it, let's roll over and allow Harry Kane to dry bum us instead."
Hey mate it does make a difference. Yes you can't make much of a direct difference with who we buy, what manager we hire but Everton works like a big clock. You have the face of the clock, which is the matches we play. Behind the clock sits lots of cogs which make the clock run on time. Some of our cogs are who the manager is. That is a major one. What players we have-another big one. But there are smaller ones as well, like, the kit man, the canteen staff, the youth team, the scouting system. Some of these cogs are bigger than others and some are just small but they all need to be working for us to be successful. One of the main cogs is the fan base. How they are feeling, what they expect on match day, what they think of a new signing. It is very important.
One of the main reason Everton fans are so angry this season is because of the expectation that was put out at the start of the season. Not only has it not been met but it has been shocking. Wasting all that money and it has made the fan base furious. Each time another bad decision is made (like hiring Big Sam in my opinion) if gets worse. The fan base 'cog' is not running smoothly and because it is a major one if has a big effect. Pressure builds, the feeling around the club changes for the worse, players who normally don't mess up start making stupid passes. It has a knock on effect.
Think about this...If you child came up to you and said,"Dad I'm going to be a millionaire when I'm older!" Most people would say something negative-like in your dreams or good luck with that. Some may be supportive and say something like, you can do it. However, if a billionaire had a son and he came up to him and said, "Dad I want to be a millionaire!" He would probably get slapped or told to think bigger, at the very least he is going to get a good stern talking to.
Here is my point. EVERYONE at Everton needs to have a very high standard. We used to but it has gone. The collective thinking is important to the team, just as the collective thinking of a family is important. We need (as
much as we can) to all be singing from the same song sheet.
It's not your fault about feeling crap if you look at what you have gone through. It is the same with a lot of fans and you came onboard just after the 80's which means you missed some good years. You have now had years of dodgy decisions and some really bad match days. It's heart breaking and Year on Year, season season it gets to you. But try to believe we can turn this around because you are an important part of this club. One of the most important parts-You are part of the mighty Everton fan base and it is a vital part of our club. We need you to believe!