"if he doesn't want to stay f*** him off"
Sick of seeing this, he's a young player who got pushed out on loan last season, how about showing him the club's somewhere he should want to play instead of the whole negative approach. Massive loss if he leaves now
Ah bless him.To be fair to Sam Greg O'Keefe let on to a few over a beer (after Greg had moved to the Beeb) that Koeman apparently treated Lookman (and a couple of other younger players) like errant schoolboys and Rhino thought also he was a bit of a prat. By the time Sam arrived he was already agitating for game time or a move. He just seems very ambitious/in a hurry and someone who is only happy when being told things he wants to hear. Good luck to the lad if he gets his wish. First bad run of form & he gets dropped for a period then don't be surprised to hear that he hasn't settled again at Leipzig, wants to come 'home' to London etc.
Just block Leipzigs phone number and move onthe boy has 3 years left on his contract. We don't need to sell him so what's the problem. Whatever happened last year doesn't matter, if he gets game time which he should he'll get over it. We should be trying to win him back over and getting his confidence up. There are far more important issues at the club right now than Lookman.
the boy has 3 years left on his contract. We don't need to sell him so what's the problem. Whatever happened last year doesn't matter, if he gets game time which he should he'll get over it. We should be trying to win him back over and getting his confidence up. There are far more important issues at the club right now than Lookman.
i would agree if it was one of our senior players who are likely to start week in week out or a seriously high profile player but he's a pup. I genuinely think he needs an arm around his shoulder, game time and a bit of trust from the new management team. If we get to January and he's still unhappy then maybe look at the options but right now he needs to maybe repay some of the faith the club originally showed in him when we paid 11-12m to bring him in from the lower devisions. If he's as good as we all think he can be far better clubs that Leipzig will come calling for him...I don’t think it’s that simple if a player is determined to leave and his attitude is suspect. The last thing Silva will want is a player sulking and not giving 100% as it can have an impact on the atmosphere. I honestly don’t know if Lookman is a sulker, but not all players get their heads down and get on with things.